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Martin Ruef CV

Jack and Pamela Egan Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship
344 Reuben-Cooke Building, Box 90088, Durham, NC 27708


My research considers the social context of entrepreneurship from both a contemporary and historical perspective. I draw on large-scale surveys of entrepreneurs in the United States to explore processes of team formation, innovation, exchange, and boundary maintenance in nascent business startups. My historical analyses address entrepreneurial activity and constraint during periods of profound institutional change. This work has considered a diverse range of sectors, including the organizational transformation of Southern agriculture and industry after the Civil War, African American entrepreneurship under Jim Crow, the transition of the U.S. healthcare system from professional monopoly to managed care, and the character of entrepreneurship during early mercantile and industrial capitalism.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Jack and Pamela Egan Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship · 2013 - Present Sociology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in the Department of Sociology · 2013 - Present Sociology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Core Faculty in Innovation & Entrepreneurship · 2018 - Present Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Initiatives

Education, Training & Certifications

Stanford University · 1999 Ph.D.
Stanford University · 1994 M.A.
Virginia Polytech Institute and State University · 1990 B.S.