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The Precise Time Course of Retention

Publication ,  Journal Article
Rubin, DC; Hinton, S; Wenzel, A
September 1, 1999

Fits of retention data were examined from 5 conditions: 3 types of cued recall, an old-new recognition task, and a remember-know recognition task. In each condition, 100 participants had either 18 recall or 27 recognition trials at each of 10 delays between 0 and 99 intervening items, providing the first data obtained in experimental psychology that were precise enough to distinguish clearly among simple functions. None of the 105 2-parameter functions tested produced adequate fits to the data. The function y = a 1e -t/1.15 + a 2e -t/T2 + a 3 fit each of the 5 retention conditions. The T 2 parameter in this equation equaled 28 for the 3 recall conditions and the remember-know recognition condition and 13 for the old-new recognition condition. Individuals' recall data fit the same function with parameters varying with gender and scholastic aptitude scores. Reaction times support the claim that the a 1e -t/1.15 term describes working memory, and the remaining 2 terms describe long-term memory.

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

September 1, 1999


American Psychological Association (APA)

Related Subject Headings

  • Experimental Psychology
  • 5204 Cognitive and computational psychology
  • 1702 Cognitive Sciences
  • 1701 Psychology


Rubin, D. C., Hinton, S., & Wenzel, A. (1999). The Precise Time Course of Retention.
Rubin, D. C., S. Hinton, and A. Wenzel. “The Precise Time Course of Retention,” September 1, 1999.
Rubin DC, Hinton S, Wenzel A. The Precise Time Course of Retention. 1999 Sep 1;
Rubin, D. C., et al. The Precise Time Course of Retention. American Psychological Association (APA), Sept. 1999.
Rubin DC, Hinton S, Wenzel A. The Precise Time Course of Retention. American Psychological Association (APA); 1999 Sep 1;

Publication Date

September 1, 1999


American Psychological Association (APA)

Related Subject Headings

  • Experimental Psychology
  • 5204 Cognitive and computational psychology
  • 1702 Cognitive Sciences
  • 1701 Psychology