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B. F. Skinner: Mistaken – or Misunderstood?

Publication ,  Journal Article
Staddon, JER
July 2, 2013

The chief offense of “political correctness” is its unreflective certainty – about which causes to hail or demonize and about the necessity to take sides on every issue. Science has no room for such dogmatism, of course. Yet, human nature being what it is, in the softer sciences, at least, demonization of “outs” and automatic acceptance of “ins” is the rule rather than the exception. For many years in experimental psychology, the “ins” have been the “cognitive” psychologists and the “outs” the behaviorists, especially the radical behaviorist followers of B. F. Skinner, whose life and work are the topics of these two books...

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

July 2, 2013


Staddon, John E. R. “B. F. Skinner: Mistaken – or Misunderstood?,” July 2, 2013.
Staddon, John E. R. B. F. Skinner: Mistaken – or Misunderstood? July 2013.

Publication Date

July 2, 2013