User-controllable security and privacy for pervasive computing
, Conference
Cornwell, J; Fette, I; Hsieh, G; Prabaker, M; Rao, J; Tang, K; Vaniea, K; Bauer, L; Cranor, L; Hong, J; McLaren, B; Reiter, M; Sadeh, N
Published in: Proceedings - 8th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, HOTMOBILE 2007
December 1, 2007
We describe our current work in developing novel mechanisms for managing security and privacy in pervasive computing environments. More specifically, we have developed and evaluated three different applications, including a contextual instant messenger, a people finder application, and a phone-based application for access control. We also draw out some themes we have learned thus far for user-controllable security and privacy. © 2007 IEEE.
Duke Scholars
Published In
Proceedings - 8th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, HOTMOBILE 2007
Publication Date
December 1, 2007
Start / End Page
14 / 19
Cornwell, J., Fette, I., Hsieh, G., Prabaker, M., Rao, J., Tang, K., … Sadeh, N. (2007). User-controllable security and privacy for pervasive computing. In Proceedings - 8th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, HOTMOBILE 2007 (pp. 14–19).
Published In
Proceedings - 8th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, HOTMOBILE 2007
Publication Date
December 1, 2007
Start / End Page
14 / 19