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The design and analysis of graphical passwords

Publication ,  Conference
Jermyn, I; Mayer, A; Monrose, F; Reiter, MK; Rubin, AD
Published in: 8th USENIX Security Symposium
January 1, 1999

In this pap er we prop ose and evaluate new graphical password schemes that exploit features of graphical input displays to achieve b etter security than text-based passwords. Graphical input devices enable the user to decouple the position of inputs from the temporal order in which those inputs o ccur, and we show that this decoupling can b e used to generate password schemes with substantially larger (memorable) password spaces. In order to evaluate the security of one of our schemes, we devise a novel way to capture a subset of the memorable" passwords that, we believe, is itself a contribution. In this work we are primarily motivated by devices such as p ersonal digital assistants (PDAs) that offer graphical input capabilities via a stylus, and we describ e our prototyp e implementation of one of our password schemes on such a TM PDA, namely the Palm Pilot .

Duke Scholars

Published In

8th USENIX Security Symposium

Publication Date

January 1, 1999


Jermyn, I., Mayer, A., Monrose, F., Reiter, M. K., & Rubin, A. D. (1999). The design and analysis of graphical passwords. In 8th USENIX Security Symposium.

Published In

8th USENIX Security Symposium

Publication Date

January 1, 1999