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Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Richards, JE; Lichter, PR; Herman, S; Hauser, ER; Hou, YC; Johnson, AT; Boehnke, M
Published in: Ophthalmology
July 1996

PURPOSE: To determine whether an adult-onset variety of primary open-angle glaucoma in family UM:POAG1 is linked to the previously mapped GLC1A juvenile-onset primary open-angle glaucoma locus on chromosome 1q or whether linkage can be excluded. METHODS: Microsatellite repeat markers from the 9 cM D1S196 to D1S218 interval containing the GLC1A gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from DNA samples collected from 11 members of one sibship in family UM:POAG1. Haplotype analysis was carried out, including calculation of the probability that the observed data would have been obtained if the underlying cause of primary open-angle glaucoma in this family were a defect in a gene located in the tested interval. Linkage analysis was carried out under an autosomal dominant model for GLC1A glaucoma. RESULTS: In family UM:POAG1, primary open-angle glaucoma was diagnosed in six surviving and one deceased member of a sibship of 13 individuals during the fifth or sixth decade of life. Glaucoma in this family has a later average age at diagnosis and significantly less elevation in intraocular pressure than GLC1A glaucoma so far described. Haplotype analysis, using a population prevalence up to 0.9%, shows that it is unlikely that the reported data would have been observed if primary open-angle glaucoma in this pedigree were due to the GLC1A locus on chromosome 1q21-q31. Linkage analysis under the juvenile glaucoma autosomal dominant model allowed exclusion of linkage across the entire GLC1A genetic inclusion interval, with a maximum lod score in the interval of -3.28. CONCLUSION: The most likely interpretation of these observations is that a defect in the GLC1A glaucoma gene is not responsible for adult-onset primary open-angle glaucoma in family UM:POAG1. This suggests the existence of at least two primary open-angle glaucoma genes, the previously reported GLC1A gene on chromosome 1q and another gene located elsewhere in the genome. Diagnosis of UM:POAG1 glaucoma between 42 and 57 years of age also raises questions regarding the relation of the glaucoma present in this family to the common later-age-onset form of the disease.

Duke Scholars

Published In





Publication Date

July 1996





Start / End Page

1035 / 1040


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Pedigree
  • Ophthalmology & Optometry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Middle Aged
  • Male
  • Humans
  • Haplotypes
  • Glaucoma, Open-Angle
  • Genetic Markers


Richards, J. E., Lichter, P. R., Herman, S., Hauser, E. R., Hou, Y. C., Johnson, A. T., & Boehnke, M. (1996). Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology, 103(7), 1035–1040.
Richards, J. E., P. R. Lichter, S. Herman, E. R. Hauser, Y. C. Hou, A. T. Johnson, and M. Boehnke. “Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma.Ophthalmology 103, no. 7 (July 1996): 1035–40.
Richards JE, Lichter PR, Herman S, Hauser ER, Hou YC, Johnson AT, et al. Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 1996 Jul;103(7):1035–40.
Richards, J. E., et al. “Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma.Ophthalmology, vol. 103, no. 7, July 1996, pp. 1035–40. Pubmed, doi:10.1016/s0161-6420(96)30570-8.
Richards JE, Lichter PR, Herman S, Hauser ER, Hou YC, Johnson AT, Boehnke M. Probable exclusion of GLC1A as a candidate glaucoma gene in a family with middle-age-onset primary open-angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 1996 Jul;103(7):1035–1040.
Journal cover image

Published In





Publication Date

July 1996





Start / End Page

1035 / 1040


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Pedigree
  • Ophthalmology & Optometry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Middle Aged
  • Male
  • Humans
  • Haplotypes
  • Glaucoma, Open-Angle
  • Genetic Markers