As a scholar in rhetoric and composition, I draw on feminist theory and praxis, multimodal composition, and writing and composition pedagogy to understand the rhetorical practices that individuals take up in connection with cultural narratives. My work, therefore, has focused on investigating the use of written and visual texts to respond to people's experiences as embedded in larger social infrastructures (including activism, writing curriculum, and writing program administration). Currently, I am expanding my research and teaching in medical rhetoric and medical humanities.
My work, then, stems from my desire to explore intersections between my B.S. in psychology and my Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition with a focus on literacy, rhetoric, and social practice. Moreover, I aim for this work to align with "an ethics of hope and caring," as described by Royster and Kirsch (2012): “With patience and quiet as salient features, the goal with an ethics of hope and caring is to learn to listen and speak, not just with our heads but with our hearts, backbones, and stomachs” (p. 146).