He is a senior member of IEEE (SMIEEE) and the author of more than eight peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. He worked as the research associate for many research projects supported by the National Defense of Canada, Communications Research Centre Canada, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Currently, he is an active reviewer for many prestigious journals, e.g., IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, ACM Computing Survey, etc. He also served as Technical Program Committee Co-chair/member in many top-tier conferences, e.g., ACM DIVANet'18~24, IEEE ISCC'19, ACM MSWiM'17~24, ACM/IEEE DS-RT’20 and IEEE ICC'20~24, etc. He services as an Editor for ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) Editorial Board. He is the recipient of Best Paper Award at IEEE GLOBECOM in 2019. His work, entitled “A Novel Hierarchical Two-Tier Node Deployment Strategy for Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks”, was published in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, and it was selected as one of the spotlight articles published in all IEEE Transactions as highlighted in the IEEE Computer V. 52(3), pp. 4-5, March 2019.