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I am an interdisciplinary public policy scholar with a focus on China.
At Duke Kunshan University, I teach courses on policy analysis, policy processes, crisis management, and plastic pollution. I have also taught an interdisciplinary, second-year course titled "Global Challenges in Science, Technology, and Health," which prepares students to deal with complex societal issues such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and infectious diseases. I serve as the coordinator of the undergraduate major in environmental science/public policy.
My research focuses on policymaking and implementation in China, especially in the areas of health and environment. Broadly speaking, I examine the driving forces of policy change and stability in China, as well as the content of such policies. Theoretically, my research agenda is embedded in the policy process literature, especially the multiple streams framework and punctuated equilibrium theory. Topics that I study include antimicrobial resistance, health reform, natural disasters, epidemic outbreaks, food safety, crisis management, plastic pollution, soil pollution, and environmental accidents. Most of my research focuses on national level policy, especially the process of lawmaking by China's National People's Congress. In my research projects, I use document analysis, interviews, and surveys. I recently published an article on the infeasibility of banning live poultry sales in China. For free access to reading the full-text version of the article, click here.
I'm an editorial board member of the journals Policy & Politics and Research of Policy Review. I also serve as advisory board member for the Oxford University Press Book Series “Lessons from Policy Processes on the World’s Grand Challenges.”
I have a Ph.D. in Law (2019) from the University of Amsterdam; a Master of Science in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (2010) from the University of Manchester, Lund University, and Central European University (joint degree called MESPOM); and a Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Cultures of China (2007) from Leiden University.
My overarching professional aim is to build bridges between China and the rest of the world through research, teaching, and academic service. If you'd like to collaborate, invite me for a talk, or otherwise connect, please send me an email or follow me on Twitter.
Students are welcome to email me with questions about my courses, the environmental science/public policy major, the public policy curriculum, or research opportunities.