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David Yung Ming

Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatrics, Hospital Medicine
DUMC Box 100800, Durham, NC 27710
DUMC Box 100800, Durham, NC 27710


I am a med-peds hospitalist and researcher with interests in improving systems of care of patients with complex health needs. My research focus areas include implementation science, population health sciences, community-engaged research, and digital health. My vision is to design, implement, evaluate, and scale programs and interventions that will simplify the delivery of complex care. By doing so, we can equitably improve the health outcomes that matter most to children and adults with complex health needs and their families.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Professor of Pediatrics · 2023 - Present Pediatrics, Hospital Medicine, Pediatrics
Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences · 2022 - Present Population Health Sciences, Basic Science Departments

Education, Training & Certifications

University of Texas, Medical Branch at Galveston · 2006 M.D.