Advising & Mentoring
2019 Masters Committee Advisor – Sarah Morton
2018 Masters Committee Advisor – Shalini Jha
2018 Masters Committee Advisor – Leigh Nicholl
2017 Masters Committee Advisor – Kristen Sanchez
2016 Masters Committee Member – Victor Poon
Additional Mentoring Activities:
2022 Evaluation of Collaborative Biostatistics Architecture. Invited Guest Lecturer for the Social Science Research Lab: Evaluating Clinical and Translational Research for Healthcare Improvement.
2021 How to Be an Effective Statistician Workshop. Co-Developed two workshops for over 30 collaborative biostatisticians with Alexander Schacht.
2021 Biostatistics Collaborations in Medical Research. NCSU Consulting Course invited lecture.
2021 Conducting Data Driven Research in Medicine. Responsible Conduct of Research Course Presentation.
2016-Present Online Courses for Biostatistics Collaborations, Duke University, Design and oversee the development of online courses to educate medical trainees about topics in Biostatistics.
2016-Present Workshops for TL1 and KL2 Scholars. Design and lead 1-hour workshops annually on biostatistics topics for all Duke TL1 and KL2 scholars.
2015-Present Workshops on Collaborating with Biostatisticians, Duke University Over 300 Duke clinical and translational trainees have benefited from the development and implementation of 2-hour workshops for specific clinical departments to teach faculty and trainees about collaborating with biostatisticians. These are run as needed/requested and we usually have 10 per year.
2015-Present Biostatistics Core Training and Internship Program (BCTIP), Duke University Over 80 Masters of Biostatistics students have participated in this training program that provide s6-8 weeks of formal training for students who are then mentored through 6-18 months of hands on experience on collaborative projects throughout Duke.
2015-Present Imaging and Functional Data Analysis, Summer Institute in Biostatistics (SIBS), Duke University (Instructor) Instructor for a 2-hour workshop for SIBS students.
2014 Introduction to Statistics, North Carolina State University Instructor for a full semester: undergraduate introduction to statistics course in the Statistics Department.
Summer 2011 Computation for Undergraduates in Statistics Program, NCSU
Summer 2013 Mentored students on projects and served as teaching assistant for weekly labs.