My current research efforts focus on evaluating and remediating cognitive functioning in children with illnesses that impact the central nervous system. Current projects include: 1) evaluation of a cognitive intervention for children with sickle cell disease; 2) intervention aimed at improving adherence to medication regiments in children with sickle cell disease; and 3) remediation of cognitive deficits in children undergoing treatment for pediatric tumors. I also consult on several multi-center projects aimed at evaluating cognitive functioning and quality of life in children with disease.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2021 - Present
Psychiatry, Child & Family Mental Health & Community Psychiatry,
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Dean of Student Services for the School of Medicine
2023 - Present
School of Medicine
Professor of the Practice of Psychology and Neuroscience
2012 - Present
Psychology & Neuroscience,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in Neurosurgery
2015 - Present
Clinical Science Departments
Associate Professor in Surgery
2020 - Present
Clinical Science Departments
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
1995 - Present
Duke Cancer Institute,
Institutes and Centers
Education, Training & Certifications
Virginia Polytech Institute and State University ·