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Rochelle D. Schwartz-Bloom

Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Duke Box 3813, Durham, NC 27710
B238 LSRC Building, Durham, NC 27710


The Schwartz-Bloom laboratory has completed 18 years of research investigating novel pharmacologic approaches to prevent neuronal death caused by cerebral ischemia associated with cardiac arrest and stroke. The group studied how GABA neurotransmission dysfunction contributes to the death of hippocampal neurons after ischemia in vivo or in vitro. Dr. Schwartz-Bloom’s research program continued in the area of science education, which she started in 1996.  Her science education research has included the development of novel science education curricular materials in the area of pharmacology to the K-12 and college community. One of the major programs that she developed is the Pharmacology Education Partnership (, a series of pharmacology- and drug abuse-related science education modules for high school biology and chemistry students. Testing of over 15,000 high school students has revealed that student performance in biology and chemistry improves when they use the pharmacology curriculum developed by her team.  All of Dr. Schwartz-Bloom's science education research activities are found on her website for Raising Interest in Science Education, or RISE  at  

With funds provided by the Duke Provost in 2007, Dr. Schwartz-Bloom also established the Duke Center for Science Education, an umbrella for all Duke-related activities in science education. The Center helps to coordinate Duke faculty and student interests in curriculum development, research, and outreach activities in science education for the K-16 grades.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology · 2019 - Present Pharmacology & Cancer Biology, Basic Science Departments
Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences · 2011 - Present Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, University Institutes and Centers
Affiliate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society · 2014 - Present Duke Science & Society, University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
Affiliate of the Center for Child and Family Policy · 2015 - Present Center for Child and Family Policy, Sanford School of Public Policy

Education, Training & Certifications

Georgetown University · 1983 Ph.D.