Yitzhak Lewis is Assistant Professor of Humanities at Duke Kunshan University. He holds a Ph.D. (2016) in Hebrew and Comparative Literature from Columbia University. He received his B.A. (2007) in Comparative Literature, Psychology, and Creative Writing, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Yitzhak’s current book project, titled Games of Inheritance: Kabbalah, Tradition, and Writing in Jorge Luis Borges, is a study of marginality and mysticism as literary tropes in the writing of Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges. His previous book, titled A Permanent Beginning: R. Nachman of Braslav and Jewish Literary Modernity (SUNY Press, 2020), deals with the Russian Imperial context of early modern Hebrew and Yiddish letters. His teaching and research interests include comparative literature in Hebrew, Spanish, Yiddish, and English, literary theory, transnational writing, and world literature.