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Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations.

Publication ,  Journal Article
Haroutounian, S; Holzer, KJ; Kerns, RD; Veasley, C; Dworkin, RH; Turk, DC; Carman, KL; Chambers, CT; Cowan, P; Edwards, RR; Eisenach, JC ...
Published in: Pain
May 1, 2024

In the traditional clinical research model, patients are typically involved only as participants. However, there has been a shift in recent years highlighting the value and contributions that patients bring as members of the research team, across the clinical research lifecycle. It is becoming increasingly evident that to develop research that is both meaningful to people who have the targeted condition and is feasible, there are important benefits of involving patients in the planning, conduct, and dissemination of research from its earliest stages. In fact, research funders and regulatory agencies are now explicitly encouraging, and sometimes requiring, that patients are engaged as partners in research. Although this approach has become commonplace in some fields of clinical research, it remains the exception in clinical pain research. As such, the Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials convened a meeting with patient partners and international representatives from academia, patient advocacy groups, government regulatory agencies, research funding organizations, academic journals, and the biopharmaceutical industry to develop consensus recommendations for advancing patient engagement in all stages of clinical pain research in an effective and purposeful manner. This article summarizes the results of this meeting and offers considerations for meaningful and authentic engagement of patient partners in clinical pain research, including recommendations for representation, timing, continuous engagement, measurement, reporting, and research dissemination.

Duke Scholars

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Published In





Publication Date

May 1, 2024





Start / End Page

1013 / 1028


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Research Design
  • Patient Participation
  • Pain
  • Humans
  • Anesthesiology
  • 52 Psychology
  • 42 Health sciences
  • 32 Biomedical and clinical sciences
  • 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
  • 11 Medical and Health Sciences


Haroutounian, S., Holzer, K. J., Kerns, R. D., Veasley, C., Dworkin, R. H., Turk, D. C., … Vollert, J. (2024). Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations. Pain, 165(5), 1013–1028.
Haroutounian, Simon, Katherine J. Holzer, Robert D. Kerns, Christin Veasley, Robert H. Dworkin, Dennis C. Turk, Kristin L. Carman, et al. “Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations.Pain 165, no. 5 (May 1, 2024): 1013–28.
Haroutounian S, Holzer KJ, Kerns RD, Veasley C, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, et al. Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations. Pain. 2024 May 1;165(5):1013–28.
Haroutounian, Simon, et al. “Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations.Pain, vol. 165, no. 5, May 2024, pp. 1013–28. Pubmed, doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003121.
Haroutounian S, Holzer KJ, Kerns RD, Veasley C, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, Carman KL, Chambers CT, Cowan P, Edwards RR, Eisenach JC, Farrar JT, Ferguson M, Forsythe LP, Freeman R, Gewandter JS, Gilron I, Goertz C, Grol-Prokopczyk H, Iyengar S, Jordan I, Kamp C, Kleykamp BA, Knowles RL, Langford DJ, Mackey S, Malamut R, Markman J, Martin KR, McNicol E, Patel KV, Rice ASC, Rowbotham M, Sandbrink F, Simon LS, Steiner DJ, Vollert J. Patient engagement in designing, conducting, and disseminating clinical pain research: IMMPACT recommended considerations. Pain. 2024 May 1;165(5):1013–1028.

Published In





Publication Date

May 1, 2024





Start / End Page

1013 / 1028


United States

Related Subject Headings

  • Research Design
  • Patient Participation
  • Pain
  • Humans
  • Anesthesiology
  • 52 Psychology
  • 42 Health sciences
  • 32 Biomedical and clinical sciences
  • 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
  • 11 Medical and Health Sciences