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Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition

Publication ,  Journal Article
Stoner, BR; Ma, GH; Wolter, SD; Zhu, W; Wang, YC; Davis, RF; Glass, JT
Published in: Diamond and Related Materials
March 31, 1993

Diamond has been successfully nucleated on mirror finish single-crystal β-SiC films via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Initial scanning electron microscopy indicated that approximately 50% of the diamond grains were oriented relative to the SiC substrate. Further, high resolution cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction confirmed that the diamond was in epitaxial alignment with the silicon carbide, with the D(100)//SiC(100) and D〈110〉//SiC〈110〉. The high resolution TEM also revealed an approximate 5° tilt about 〈110〉 towards 〈110〉. This tilting is believed to be the result of the high density of misfit dislocations at the interface. Speculations on the role of biasing in the promotion of epitaxial diamond nucleation on a foreign substrate are also discussed. © 1993.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

Diamond and Related Materials




Publication Date

March 31, 1993





Start / End Page

142 / 146

Related Subject Headings

  • Applied Physics
  • 5104 Condensed matter physics
  • 4018 Nanotechnology
  • 4016 Materials engineering
  • 0912 Materials Engineering
  • 0910 Manufacturing Engineering
  • 0904 Chemical Engineering


Stoner, B. R., Ma, G. H., Wolter, S. D., Zhu, W., Wang, Y. C., Davis, R. F., & Glass, J. T. (1993). Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Diamond and Related Materials, 2(2–4), 142–146.
Stoner, B. R., G. H. Ma, S. D. Wolter, W. Zhu, Y. C. Wang, R. F. Davis, and J. T. Glass. “Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition.” Diamond and Related Materials 2, no. 2–4 (March 31, 1993): 142–46.
Stoner BR, Ma GH, Wolter SD, Zhu W, Wang YC, Davis RF, et al. Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Diamond and Related Materials. 1993 Mar 31;2(2–4):142–6.
Stoner, B. R., et al. “Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition.” Diamond and Related Materials, vol. 2, no. 2–4, Mar. 1993, pp. 142–46. Scopus, doi:10.1016/0925-9635(93)90045-4.
Stoner BR, Ma GH, Wolter SD, Zhu W, Wang YC, Davis RF, Glass JT. Epitaxial nucleation of diamond on β-SiC via bias-enhanced microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Diamond and Related Materials. 1993 Mar 31;2(2–4):142–146.
Journal cover image

Published In

Diamond and Related Materials




Publication Date

March 31, 1993





Start / End Page

142 / 146

Related Subject Headings

  • Applied Physics
  • 5104 Condensed matter physics
  • 4018 Nanotechnology
  • 4016 Materials engineering
  • 0912 Materials Engineering
  • 0910 Manufacturing Engineering
  • 0904 Chemical Engineering