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Ann Saterbak

Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
101 Science Dr, Department of, Hudson Hall Annex 266, Durham, NC 27708-9976

Selected Publications

The effect of authentic project-based learning on attitudes and career aspirations in STEM

Journal Article Journal of Research in Science Teaching · January 1, 2019 Can engaging college students in client-centered projects in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) coursework increase interest in STEM professions? The current study explored the effectiveness of project-based learning (PjBL) courses on ... Full text Cite

Evaluating the quality of project summaries for S-STEM proposals

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Rice University received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to host workshops designed to help faculty members at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) develop competitive proposals to the Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engi ... Cite

Transformation of design instruction in a low-resource setting

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Engineering schools in low-resource settings typically do not have access to makerspaces, which are common in engineering schools in the USA. Without tools or materials to build and iterate prototypes, instructors often assign paper-only design projects. S ... Cite

Examining first-year chemistry outcomes of underprepared STEM students who completed a STEM summer academic bridge program

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 This NSF S-STEM Grantee poster examines the results of Rice University's summer science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bridge program, the Rice Emerging Scholars Program (RESP), on participants' introductory chemistry grades in a quasi-ex ... Cite

Tracking skills development and self-efficacy in a new first-year engineering design course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 This evidence-based practice paper describes the development and implementation of surveys and a focus group to understand the impact of a new first-year engineering design course. With the intent of adding a practical design experience for first-year stud ... Cite

Panel: Embedding technical writing with experiential learning components into engineering curricula

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Cite

Using a Teaching Intervention and Calibrated Peer Review™ Diagnostics to Improve Visual Communication Skills.

Journal Article Annals of biomedical engineering · March 2018 Rice University's bioengineering department incorporates written, oral, and visual communication instruction into its undergraduate curriculum to aid student learning and to prepare students to communicate their knowledge and discoveries precisely and pers ... Full text Cite

Selection process of students for a novel STEM summer bridge program

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 24, 2017 This NSF Grantee Poster explores the selection process for Rice University's Emerging Scholar Program (RESP). Developed in June 2012, RESP is a comprehensive summer bridge and termtime advising program aimed at increasing STEM retention, graduation, and ac ... Cite

Bioengineering Fundamentals

Book · 2017 This 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded with new and clarified content, plus new homework and example problems. ... Cite

Summer bridge program structured to cover most demanding STEM topics

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 This evidence-based practice describes a new summer bridge model for increasing STEM retention. Beginning June 2012, Rice University developed the Rice Emerging Scholars Program (RESP), a comprehensive summer bridge and advising program aimed at increasing ... Cite

Teaching first-year engineering design using a flipped classroom model

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 A team of faculty at Rice University and other institutions has created instructional resources to support a flipped classroom model for first-year engineering design. Gone is the traditional 'class' in which faculty lecture on the design process and other ... Cite

Long-term impact of an elective, first-year engineering design course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 This evidence-based practice describes the impact on retention of implementing an elective, first-year engineering design course. Authentic, client-based projects form the focus of a one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. The course is an ... Cite

Implementing and assessing a flipped classroom model for first-year engineering design

Journal Article Advances in Engineering Education · January 1, 2016 Faculty at Rice University are creating instructional resources to support teaching first-year engineering design using a flipped classroom model. This implementation of flipped pedagogy is unusual because content-driven, lecture courses are usually target ... Cite

Maji: a new tool to prevent overhydration of children receiving intravenous fluid therapy in low-resource settings.

Journal Article The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene · May 2015 We designed and evaluated the accuracy and usability of a device to regulate the volume of fluid dispensed during intravenous drip therapy. The mechanical system was developed in response to a pressing need articulated by clinicians in pediatric wards thro ... Full text Cite

Diversity in Chemical engineering education: Status and perspectives

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2015 For several years now, there has been a call for a more diverse workforce within engineering. In 1998, the National Academy of Engineering published a report titled "Diversity in Engineering" that described how the current state of the engineering workforc ... Cite

Teaching freshman design using a flipped classroom model

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2014 Faculty at Rice University are creating instructional resources to support a flipped classroom model for first-year multidisciplinary engineering design. By delivering the lecture content of the design process using videos and other media, class time is fr ... Cite

Assessing knowledge and application of the design process

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2014 Authentic, client-based projects form the foundation of a one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. The course is an elective course available for all freshman students in the School of Engineering. First-year students learn the engineering d ... Cite

Client-based projects in freshman design

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · August 20, 2012 Authentic, client-based projects form the foundation for a new one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. Prior to Introduction to Engineering Design (ENGI 120) in spring 2011, Rice University did not have any design-build courses for its fres ... Cite

Choosing the road less traveled: Ten years later

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · August 20, 2012 In 2002 the authors made a presentation at ASEE entitled, "Choosing the Road Less Traveled: Alternatives to the Tenure Track." 1 Three engineering educators with less than three years of experience related how their interests, priorities, and family situ ... Cite

Mechanical wheelchair propulsion system for patients with arthrogryposis

Conference ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) · January 1, 2012 Arthrogryposis is a congenital disorder characterized by extreme joint stiffness that inhibits strength and flexibility in upper and lower extremities. Cases vary in sever-ity, but this research focuses on those in which patients require a wheelchair for m ... Full text Cite

The effect of authentic project-based learning on attitudes and career aspirations in STEM

Journal Article Journal of Research in Science Teaching · January 1, 2019 Can engaging college students in client-centered projects in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) coursework increase interest in STEM professions? The current study explored the effectiveness of project-based learning (PjBL) courses on ... Full text Cite

Evaluating the quality of project summaries for S-STEM proposals

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Rice University received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to host workshops designed to help faculty members at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) develop competitive proposals to the Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engi ... Cite

Transformation of design instruction in a low-resource setting

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Engineering schools in low-resource settings typically do not have access to makerspaces, which are common in engineering schools in the USA. Without tools or materials to build and iterate prototypes, instructors often assign paper-only design projects. S ... Cite

Examining first-year chemistry outcomes of underprepared STEM students who completed a STEM summer academic bridge program

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 This NSF S-STEM Grantee poster examines the results of Rice University's summer science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bridge program, the Rice Emerging Scholars Program (RESP), on participants' introductory chemistry grades in a quasi-ex ... Cite

Tracking skills development and self-efficacy in a new first-year engineering design course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 This evidence-based practice paper describes the development and implementation of surveys and a focus group to understand the impact of a new first-year engineering design course. With the intent of adding a practical design experience for first-year stud ... Cite

Panel: Embedding technical writing with experiential learning components into engineering curricula

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 23, 2018 Cite

Using a Teaching Intervention and Calibrated Peer Review™ Diagnostics to Improve Visual Communication Skills.

Journal Article Annals of biomedical engineering · March 2018 Rice University's bioengineering department incorporates written, oral, and visual communication instruction into its undergraduate curriculum to aid student learning and to prepare students to communicate their knowledge and discoveries precisely and pers ... Full text Cite

Selection process of students for a novel STEM summer bridge program

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 24, 2017 This NSF Grantee Poster explores the selection process for Rice University's Emerging Scholar Program (RESP). Developed in June 2012, RESP is a comprehensive summer bridge and termtime advising program aimed at increasing STEM retention, graduation, and ac ... Cite

Bioengineering Fundamentals

Book · 2017 This 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded with new and clarified content, plus new homework and example problems. ... Cite

Summer bridge program structured to cover most demanding STEM topics

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 This evidence-based practice describes a new summer bridge model for increasing STEM retention. Beginning June 2012, Rice University developed the Rice Emerging Scholars Program (RESP), a comprehensive summer bridge and advising program aimed at increasing ... Cite

Teaching first-year engineering design using a flipped classroom model

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 A team of faculty at Rice University and other institutions has created instructional resources to support a flipped classroom model for first-year engineering design. Gone is the traditional 'class' in which faculty lecture on the design process and other ... Cite

Long-term impact of an elective, first-year engineering design course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · June 26, 2016 This evidence-based practice describes the impact on retention of implementing an elective, first-year engineering design course. Authentic, client-based projects form the focus of a one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. The course is an ... Cite

Implementing and assessing a flipped classroom model for first-year engineering design

Journal Article Advances in Engineering Education · January 1, 2016 Faculty at Rice University are creating instructional resources to support teaching first-year engineering design using a flipped classroom model. This implementation of flipped pedagogy is unusual because content-driven, lecture courses are usually target ... Cite

Maji: a new tool to prevent overhydration of children receiving intravenous fluid therapy in low-resource settings.

Journal Article The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene · May 2015 We designed and evaluated the accuracy and usability of a device to regulate the volume of fluid dispensed during intravenous drip therapy. The mechanical system was developed in response to a pressing need articulated by clinicians in pediatric wards thro ... Full text Cite

Diversity in Chemical engineering education: Status and perspectives

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2015 For several years now, there has been a call for a more diverse workforce within engineering. In 1998, the National Academy of Engineering published a report titled "Diversity in Engineering" that described how the current state of the engineering workforc ... Cite

Teaching freshman design using a flipped classroom model

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2014 Faculty at Rice University are creating instructional resources to support a flipped classroom model for first-year multidisciplinary engineering design. By delivering the lecture content of the design process using videos and other media, class time is fr ... Cite

Assessing knowledge and application of the design process

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2014 Authentic, client-based projects form the foundation of a one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. The course is an elective course available for all freshman students in the School of Engineering. First-year students learn the engineering d ... Cite

Client-based projects in freshman design

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · August 20, 2012 Authentic, client-based projects form the foundation for a new one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. Prior to Introduction to Engineering Design (ENGI 120) in spring 2011, Rice University did not have any design-build courses for its fres ... Cite

Choosing the road less traveled: Ten years later

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · August 20, 2012 In 2002 the authors made a presentation at ASEE entitled, "Choosing the Road Less Traveled: Alternatives to the Tenure Track." 1 Three engineering educators with less than three years of experience related how their interests, priorities, and family situ ... Cite

Mechanical wheelchair propulsion system for patients with arthrogryposis

Conference ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) · January 1, 2012 Arthrogryposis is a congenital disorder characterized by extreme joint stiffness that inhibits strength and flexibility in upper and lower extremities. Cases vary in sever-ity, but this research focuses on those in which patients require a wheelchair for m ... Full text Cite

Client-based projects in freshman design

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2012 Authentic, client-based projects form the foundation for a new one-semester freshman design course at Rice University. Prior to Introduction to Engineering Design (ENGI 120) in spring 2011, Rice University did not have any design-build courses for its fres ... Cite

Choosing the road less traveled: Ten years later

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2012 In 2002 the authors made a presentation at ASEE entitled, "Choosing the Road Less Traveled: Alternatives to the Tenure Track."1 Three engineering educators with less than three years of experience related how their interests, priorities, and family situati ... Cite

Investigation of the underrepresentation of women in the G. R. Brown Teaching Awards at Rice University

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · September 1, 2009 During 2000-2007, only three of the 28 unique winners (11%) of the G. R. Brown Award for Teaching at Rice University were women. In addition, none of the winners were women in the science or engineering faculty, whereas eight men in these areas were winner ... Cite

Investigation of the underrepresentation of women in the G. R. Brown Teaching Awards at Rice University

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2009 During 2000-2007, only three of the 28 unique winners (11%) of the G. R. Brown Award for Teaching at Rice University were women. In addition, none of the winners were women in the science or engineering faculty, whereas eight men in these areas were winner ... Cite

Implementing calibrated peer review to enhance technical critiquing skills in a bioengineering laboratory

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2008 Developed at UCLA, Calibrated Peer Review™ (CPR) is a web-based tool developed to help students improve their technical writing and critiquing skills. In 2006 and 2007 we used CPR in an upper-level tissue culture laboratory course in which students conduct ... Cite

Implementing calibrated peer review to enhance technical critiquing skills in a bioengineering laboratory

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2008 Developed at UCLA, Calibrated Peer Review™ (CPR) is a web-based tool developed to help students improve their technical writing and critiquing skills. In 2006 and 2007 we used CPR in an upper-level tissue culture laboratory course in which students conduct ... Cite

New pathways to educate future translational researchers in medicine

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2006 We have developed a novel summer clinical medical and research internship targeted at undergraduate biomedical engineering majors in their junior year to train and encourage them to pursue careers in translational medical research. The goal of translationa ... Cite

Development of educational materials for a bioengineering fundamentals course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2006 A significant effort has been made to develop educational materials for sophomore-level bioengineering and biomedical engineering students. The materials focus on the conservation laws and include: a textbook, a problem-based learning (PBL) module, a compu ... Cite

Educational methods and best practices in BME laboratories.

Journal Article Annals of biomedical engineering · February 2006 Full text Cite

New pathways to educate future translational researchers in medicine

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2006 We have developed a novel summer clinical medical and research internship targeted at undergraduate biomedical engineering majors in their junior year to train and encourage them to pursue careers in translational medical research. The goal of translationa ... Cite

Development of educational materials for a bioengineering fundamentals course

Conference ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings · January 1, 2006 A significant effort has been made to develop educational materials for sophomore-level bioengineering and biomedical engineering students. The materials focus on the conservation laws and include: a textbook, a problem-based learning (PBL) module, a compu ... Cite

Development of new bioengineering curricula at Rice university

Journal Article Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress · December 1, 2004 Rice University has developed a new bioengineering curricula at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The new curricula aims to provide students with a rigorous engineering background while making them fully conversant in modern cellular and molecular bio ... Cite

Coordinating laboratory courses across engineering and science curricula

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · October 25, 2004 The coordination of laboratory courses for students acrosss engineering and science curricula is discussed. The instructors for laboratory courses in various courses such as Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering met and analzyed to develop scientifically ... Cite

Development of the textbook, conservation principles in bioengineering

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · October 25, 2004 A study on a textbook on the Conservation Principles in Bioengineering and the conservation laws in biological and medical systems was discussed. The contents of the textbook includes bioengineering problems and quantitative engineering approach, conservat ... Cite

A laboratory batch reactor test for assessing nonspeciated volatile organic compound biodegradation in activated sludge.

Journal Article Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation · July 2003 The relative rates of biodegradation and stripping and volatilization of nonspeciated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in wastewater treated with aerobic activated-sludge processes can be quantified using a newly developed procedure. This method was adapt ... Full text Cite

Laboratory courses focused on tissue engineering applications

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2002 Two new laboratory courses focused on tissue engineering have been developed and implemented in the undergraduate Bioengineering Department at Rice University. The courses provide students with a fundamental understanding of mathematics and the natural, li ... Cite

Laboratory courses focused on tissue engineering applications

Conference Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings · December 1, 2002 Two new laboratory courses focused on tissue engineering have been developed and implemented in the Bioengineering Department at Rice University. The content of these courses is quite unique, yet fully supports the department's emphasis on biomedical engin ... Cite

Integrating communication into the bioengineering curriculum

Conference Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings · December 1, 2002 Oral, written, and visual communication assignments have been successfully integrated into the curriculum in the Department of Bioengineering at Rice University. Since most of the undergraduate courses in the Bioengineering Department have been developed i ... Cite

Cellular and molecular engineering curriculum at Rice University

Conference Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings · December 1, 2002 The tremendous advances in cellular and molecular biology over the last 25 years have fundamentally changed our understanding of living organisms. This new understanding at the level of cells and their array of associated molecules is having a tremendous i ... Cite

A new cellular and molecular engineering curriculum at Rice university

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2002 The structure of a bioengineering undergraduate program at Rice University, which begun in 1998, is discussed. The development of a series of new courses for the cell and molecular engineering program is also presented. This series of course starts with th ... Cite

Choosing the road less traveled: Alternatives to the tenure track

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2002 Tenure has been traditionally held up as the "Holy Grail" for those in academia - however, some new faculty make a conscious choice to pursue non-traditional academic roles. In this paper, three new engineering educators relate how their interests, priorit ... Cite

Development of a novel foundation course for biomedical engineering curriculum

Conference ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings · December 1, 2001 The Bioengineering undergraduate program at Rice University is developing novel courses to meet its primary program objectives. Students are required to take seven core Bioengineering courses and five elective courses in one of the three tracks of Cellular ... Cite

Ecotoxicological and analytical assessment of effects of bioremediation on hydrocarbon-containing soils

Journal Article Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry · January 1, 2000 Ecotoxicological assessments of contaminated soils require an understanding of the impact of chemicals on the terrestrial ecosystem. Eight hydrocarbon-containing field soils were evaluated using physical-chemical, hydrocarbon, and ecotoxicological assays d ... Full text Cite

Ecotoxicological and analytical assessment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and application to ecological risk assessment

Journal Article Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry · July 1, 1999 Ecotoxicological assessments of contaminated soil aim to understand the effect of introduced chemicals on the soil flora and fauna. Ecotoxicity test methods were developed and conducted on hydrocarbon-contaminated soils (<5,000-30,000 mg/kg total petroleum ... Full text Cite

Adhesion mediated by bonds in series.

Journal Article Biotechnology progress · September 1996 Cell adhesion in physiological situations and biotechnological applications is often mediated through serial protein/protein linkages. The adhesion strength of cell/substrate contacts through receptor/ligand bonds in series is explored with a simple mathem ... Full text Cite

Heterogeneity and probabilistic binding contributions to receptor-mediated cell detachment kinetics.

Journal Article Biophysical journal · July 1993 Biospecific cell adhesion is mediated by receptor-ligand bonds. Early theoretical work presented a deterministic analysis of receptor-mediated cell attachment and detachment for a homogeneous cell population. However, initial comparison of a deterministic ... Full text Cite