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Brian G McAdoo

Associate Professor of Geosciences
Earth and Climate Sciences

Selected Publications

A call for reducing tourism risk to environmental hazards in the Himalaya

Journal Article Environmental Hazards · January 1, 2023 As mountain tourism rapidly expands in remote landscapes, there is a critical need for improved disaster risk management to ensure the safety of tourists and industry workers, safeguard infrastructure designed to support tourism and service industries (e.g ... Full text Cite

A GeoHealth Call to Action: Moving Beyond Identifying Environmental Injustices to Co-Creating Solutions.

Journal Article GeoHealth · November 2022 As marginalized communities continue to bear disproportionate impacts from environmental hazards, we urgently call for researchers and institutions to elevate the principles of Environmental Justice. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) GeoHealth section s ... Full text Open Access Cite

Mapping a Poorhouse and Pauper Cemetery as Community Engaged Memory Work

Journal Article International Journal of Historical Archaeology · September 1, 2022 Featured Publication In the nineteenth century, New York State established poorhouses in each county. By the next century, most had been converted to elder care institutions or hospitals. Patients who died without family or means for burial elsewhere were interred on-site in g ... Full text Open Access Cite

Scientific evidence for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction

Journal Article Nature Sustainability · September 1, 2021 Featured Publication Ecosystems play a potentially important role in sustainably reducing the risk of disaster events worldwide. Yet, to date, there are few comprehensive studies that summarize the state of knowledge of ecosystem services and functions for disaster risk reduct ... Full text Open Access Cite

Pathways to coastal resiliency: The Adaptive Gradients Framework

Journal Article Sustainability (Switzerland) · July 26, 2018 Featured Publication Current and future climate-related coastal impacts such as catastrophic and repetitive flooding, hurricane intensity, and sea level rise necessitate a new approach to developing and managing coastal infrastructure. Traditional "hard" or "grey" engineering ... Full text Open Access Cite

Postseismic coastal development in Aceh, Indonesia - Field observations and numerical modeling

Journal Article Marine Geology · October 1, 2017 We model postseismic changes to the shoreline of West Aceh, Indonesia, a region largely affected by the December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and ensuing Indian Ocean tsunami, using a cross-shore morphodynamic model. Subsidence of 0.5–1.0 m and tsunami ... Full text Open Access Cite

Not the earthquake's fault

Journal Article Nature Geoscience · April 2011 Featured Publication Full text Open Access Cite

Submarine landslide geomorphology, US continental slope

Journal Article Marine Geology · September 15, 2000 Featured Publication The morphometric analysis of submarine landslides in four distinctly different tectonic environments on the continental slopes of Oregon, central California, Texas, and New Jersey provides useful insight into submarine process, including sediment transport ... Full text Open Access Cite