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David Pinckney Berry

Assistant Consulting Professor of Ophthalmology
Box 3802 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710
Wadsworth Bldg, Durham, NC 27710

Selected Publications

Topical indomethacin therapy before argon laser trabeculoplasty.

Journal Article Am J Ophthalmol · May 15, 1985 Fifty treatment sessions for 43 eyes (35 patients) receiving argon laser trabeculoplasty to one-half the angle were randomly assigned in a double-masked fashion to pretreatment with either topical indomethacin 1% or placebo. In 25 treatments intraocular pr ... Full text Link to item Cite

Betaxolol and Timolol-Reply

Journal Article Archives of Ophthalmology · January 1, 1984 Full text Cite

Betaxolol and timolol. A comparison of efficacy and side effects.

Journal Article Arch Ophthalmol · January 1984 Betaxolol hydrochloride, 0.5%, and timolol maleate, 0.5%, were compared in a 26-week randomized, double-masked study involving 46 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. The two drugs were comparable with regard to both intraocular pressure-lowering eff ... Full text Link to item Cite

Goniotomy vs external trabeculotomy for developmental glaucoma.

Journal Article Am J Ophthalmol · April 1983 We compared external trabeculotomy and goniotomy in similar groups of patients with developmental glaucoma. External trabeculotomy was statistically more successful as a first operation (19 of 23 eyes, 83%) than goniotomy (eight of 24 eyes, 33%) (P = .003) ... Full text Link to item Cite