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Thavolia Glymph

Peabody Family Distinguished Professor of History
Dept of History, Box 90719, Durham, NC 27708
224 Classroom Building, Box 90719, 1356 Campus Drive, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Refugees and Outlaws: Enslaved Women and the Struggle for Freedom on the Civil War's Battlefields · April 22, 2013 Invited Talk Charles Warren Center Emancipation @150 Series, Harvard University

Invited Talk; T. Glymph

A Woman's War Revisited: Slave Women on the Civil War's Battlefields, Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association · December 1, 2011 Lecture Boston, MA
Invited Lecture: "A Revolution Within a Revolution: The Enslaved in Civil War South Carolina," Mitchelville Inaugural Forum: Unheard Voices at the Dawn of Freedom · November 12, 2011 Lecture Hilton Head Island, SC
Invited Conference Paper: "The Liberty to be Free: The Problem of Freedom as a Problem of American Exceptionalism," Beyond Freedom: New Directions in the Study of Emancipation, 13th Annual International Conference, Gilder Lehrman Center · November 12, 2011 Lecture Yale University
Invited Plenary Session Presenter: "The Archive and Black Women in the Civil War," Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History · October 1, 2011 Lecture Richmond, VA
Invited UMASS/5 College Graduate Program in History Annual Lecture: "Slavery is Not Dead: Black Women and Children in the Civil War's Battlefields" · September 20, 2011 Lecture University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Invited Seminar Book Talk: Out of the House of Bondage · September 20, 2011 Lecture Smith College
Invited Conference Paper: "Refugees, Dislocation, and the US Civil War," Civil Wars and the Civil War Conference · July 1, 2011 Lecture Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Invited Conference Paper, "Refugee Camps in the Civil War," Preserving and Interpreting Contraband Heritage Sites, National Trust for Historic Preservation Summit · May 23, 2011 Lecture Lincoln Cottage, Washington, DC
Invited Annenberg Seminar: "The Civil War and Its Intellectual Boundaries" · April 12, 2011 Lecture University of Pennsylvania
Invited Lecture: "Contraband Camps in the Civil War: Sites of Refuge, Places of War" · April 1, 2011 Lecture University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Invited Workshop Paper: "'Outraged Beyond Humanity': Black Women and the Civil War," Nineteenth Century U.S. History Workshop · February 28, 2011 Lecture Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Invited Lecture: "'Outraged Beyond Humanity': Black Women and the Civil War," The Civil War Reconsidered Lecture Series · February 24, 2011 Lecture Vanderbilt University
Invited Lecture: "The Battlefield Revisited: Enslaved Women and the Civil War" · February 15, 2011 Lecture Washington and Lee University
Gender, War, and Memory, Comparative Research Seminar · January 16, 2011 Lecture University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Memory, History, and Liberation Struggles: South Africa and the US, Comparative Workshop Seminar · January 15, 2011 Lecture University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
'Disappeared without any account being had of them': Enslaved Women and the Armies of the Civil War, History of the Military, War, and Society Research Seminar Series · October 29, 2010 Lecture Duke University
Invited Public Book Talk: Out of the House of Bondage · May 2, 2010 Lecture Carter G. Woodson Library, Chicago
Invited Book Talk: Out of the House of Bondage · March 1, 2010 Lecture South Carolina State University
Invited Lecture, "'Committed an Outrage': War, Emancipation, and Reconstruction in the Historical Imagination and Politics of Kara Walker" · February 1, 2010 Lecture University of Maryland at College Park
Invited Lecture, "'Disappeared without any account being had of them': Enslaved Women and the Armies of the Civil War" · February 1, 2010 Lecture Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan
Tribute to Jack Temple Kirby · November 1, 2009 Lecture Southern Historical Association Meeting, Louisville, KY
Commentator, Immigration in the Reconstruction and New South Eras, Southern Historical Association Meeting, Louisville, KY · November 1, 2009 Lecture
Invited Lecture: Grace Jordan McFadden Lecture (Co-sponsored by the Institute for Southern Studies, Department of History, Institute for African American Research, and Gender Studies Program ) · October 1, 2009 Lecture University of South Carolina
Invited Book Talk, Out of the House of Bondage · September 1, 2009 Lecture Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN
Invited Conference Paper, "Domestic Intimacies: From the American South to the Wider World" · February 1, 2009 Lecture Southern Intellectual History Conference, University of Kansas
Book Watch, "Intensely Human" · January 3, 2009 Invited Talk Duke University, Duke University
Invited Conference Paper, "The Long Road to a Republic of Citizens: Nation, Empire, and Race, 1868-1880 · January 1, 2009 Lecture Creating Citizenship in the 19th Century South and Beyond: An International Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville
Women at War · November 18, 2008 Lecture University of Texas at Austin
Invited Lecture: "Black and White Women in the Nineteenth Century South: The Human Experience of Oppressive Rule," The Edith Wolf Kreeger Lecture, Northwestern University · October 21, 2008 Lecture Northwestern University
'A Fruitful Source of Contagion and Pestilence': Black Soldiers and Medical Care in the Civil War, Franklin Humanities Bookwatch on Margaret Humphries' Intensely Human: The Health of the Black Soldier in the Civil War · February 1, 2008 Lecture Duke University
Remembering and Disremembering the Abolition of the Slave Trade: The 200th Anniversary, The Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Bicentennial Reflection MURAP Conference · February 1, 2008 Lecture University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Commentator, "Slave Bodies," Civil Rights and the Body in the American South Symposium, Sponsored by the Center for the Study of the American South and the Duke University Center for Bioethics, Humanities and the History of Medicine · February 1, 2008 Lecture University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kara Walker's 'Harper's Pictorial of the Civil War,' Nasher Museum Symposium · February 1, 2008 Lecture Duke University
Panelist, "Revisiting John Blassingame's The Slave Community," · February 1, 2008 Lecture Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Charlotte, NC
Gender, Race, War and Violence: Enslaved Women and the Armies of the Civil War, James A. Hutchins Lecture, University of North Carolina · February 1, 2008 Lecture UNC at Chapel Hill

Service to the Profession

Book Manuscript, University of Chicago Press · November 30, 2011 Editorial Activities
Organizer : Du Bois's Black Reconstruction: 75th Anniversary Symposium · November 30, 2011 Event/Organization Administration Duke University
Book Manuscript, Cambridge University Press · November 30, 2011 Editorial Activities
Article Manuscript, Civil War History Journal · November 30, 2010 Editorial Activities
Editorial Board, Journal of the Civil War Era · 2010 Editorial Activities
Board of Contributing Editors, Labor and Working Class History Association, 2009 - present, · 2009 Editorial Activities
Article Referee, Journal of Southern History · December 14, 2008 Editorial Activities
Book Manuscript Reviewer, University of Georgia Press · February 1, 2008 Editorial Activities
Co-Organizer (with William Darity and Bayo Holsey), Memory and Monuments Conference · February 1, 2008 Event/Organization Administration Duke University