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Megan E Shepherd-Banigan

Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences
Population Health Sciences
215 Morris Street, DUMC Box 104023, Durham, NC 27701

Awards & Honors

Advanced Research Institute (ARI) in Mental Health and Aging Fellow

National Advanced Research Institute · 2023 ARI is a national mentoring program to help new investigators achieve their first R01 (or equivalent) funding and assume the responsibilities of independent scientists. The program seeks to increase the number of independent investigators conducting translational, interventions, and services research in mental health and aging. These aims contribute to ARI’s overarching mission to reduce the burden of mental disorders in late life.

Researcher in Residence

National Health Services Research and Development, Department of Veterans Affairs · 2023 Under the VA National & VISN Researchers & Evaluators in Residence Program, Health Systems Research (HSR) will fund VA researchers and evaluators to spend time in clinical program to help with analysis and to help bring research knowledge to policy and program planning.

Summer Institute on Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials Fellow

National National Institutes of Health · 2022 The Summer Institute on Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials provides an advanced course in planning, designing, and conducting high-impact randomized controlled trials of health-related behavioral interventions. The program emphasizes programmatic research and prepares fellows to lead or collaborate on systematic efforts to develop and improve health-related behavioral interventions and conduct rigorous, high-impact behavioral trials. The Summer Institute’s long-term goal is to build an outstanding scientific workforce that will conduct clinical trials that can change practice guidelines, health care policies, and third-party coverage for health-related behavioral interventions. The program aims to help expand the role of evidence-based behavioral interventions in clinical and preventive services.

Johns Hopkins University Mixed Methods Research Training Program Scholar

National Johns Hopkins University · 2021 The Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences is funded by the National Institutes of Health through the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR), and is the only program of its kind in the United States. The program fulfills a national need for training in mixed methods and is a natural next step following the publication of the OBSSR "Best Practices for Mixed Methods Research in the Health Sciences." Selected scholars have access to webinars, resources, come to an in-person retreat to discuss their research project, and are matched with mixed methods expert consultants.

Alzheimer’s Association Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute Fellow

National Alzheimer’s Association · 2021 The Alzheimer’s Association Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute (AA-ISRI) is an immersive, no-cost opportunity for early career researchers in psychosocial care and public health to launch a career in dementia science and accelerate breakthroughs in the field. During the five-day program, experts will offer diverse perspectives on groundbreaking research through group sessions and individual mentoring. Twenty-four applicants will be selected for this exclusive experience.

“Mentor Who Made All the Difference” Award from Duke Graduate School

University Duke Graduate School · 2021