Fellowships, Gifts, and Supported Research
John R. Lewis Fellow ·
- 2024
Awarded by: Faith and Politics Institute
• The program’s objectives are to build a nationwide network of emerging leaders to organize with discipline and unity to create positive societal change based on the revolutionary nonviolent perspective that transformed the nation and the world toward freedom.
• Fellows are part of a congressional civil rights pilgrimage, curate an oral history project, and be in conversation over the year with their cohort on topics of justice and civil rights.
Religions and Public Life Graduate Fellow ·
- 2023
Awarded by: The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University
• One of twelve emerging scholars from across a variety of disciplines and departments throughout Duke University chosen.
• Fellows are expected to conduct research on topics of religion in public life which will then be presented and critiqued by Duke faculty and will be published on the Kenan Institute for Ethics website.