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Anne Daphne Yoder

Braxton Craven Distinguished Professor of Evolutionary Biology
Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708-0338
128 Biol Sciences Bldg, Durham, NC 27708

Awards & Honors

NAS Member

National National Academy of Sciences · 2023

Elected Member

Scholarly Society American Academy of Arts & Sciences · 2021 More about this award

REU Supplement for Collaborative Research: Testing the Role of Historical Geology and Rivers for Shaping the Distribution of Land Vertebrate Biodiversity in Western Madagascar

National National Science Foundation – Environmental Biology · December 2009

Lemur disease ecology: Linkinghealth, ecosystem viability and conservation in Madagascar (with Meredith Barrett)

National National Science Foundation – Graduate Research Fellowship · December 2009

Continued Support of the Duke University Primate Center for the Study of Primate Biology and History.

National National Science Foundation – Division of Biological Infrastructure: · December 2009

Collaborative Research: Testing the role of historical geology and rivers for shaping the distribution of land vertebrate biodiversity in western Madagascar

National National Science Foundation - Environmental Biology · December 2009

U.S.-Mauritius Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Project: Baker's Rule and Mating System Evolution in Madagascan CoffeaRubiaceae). (with Mike Nowak)

National National Science Foundation – International Programs · January 2009

Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Integrating species distribution models, Geographic Information Systems and coalescent phylogenetic methods into phylogeography studies. (with Jason Br

National National Science Foundation-Division of Biological Infrastructure · 2009

Expanding Research Facilities at the Duke Lemur Center - RFA-RR-09-008 Recovery Act Limited Competition: Extramural Facilities Improvement Program. (co- PI with Peter Lange)

National National Institutes of Health · 2009

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