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Thomas Barthel

Charles H. Townes Assistant Professor of Physics
Box 90305, Durham, NC 27708-0305
287 Physics Bldg, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Isometric tensor network optimization for finite-range interactions is free of barren plateaus - TMRC2 · December 2023 Invited Talk Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA conference center, Lake Arrowhead
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized entanglement renormalization - Physics colloquium · October 2023 Invited Talk Duke University, Durham NC
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks - Korrelationstage 2023 · September 2023 Invited Talk MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks · September 2023 Invited Talk Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Optics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks - Quantum information and foundations seminar · June 2023 Invited Talk IFF-CSIC, Madrid
Isometric tensor network optimization for finite-range interactions is free of barren plateaus - TMRC2 · December 2023 Invited Talk Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA conference center, Lake Arrowhead
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized entanglement renormalization - Physics colloquium · October 2023 Invited Talk Duke University, Durham NC
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks - Korrelationstage 2023 · September 2023 Invited Talk MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks · September 2023 Invited Talk Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Optics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks - Quantum information and foundations seminar · June 2023 Invited Talk IFF-CSIC, Madrid
Tensor networks with low-rank tensors - Tensor methods reunion conference · December 2022 International Meeting or Conference Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA conference center, Lake Arrowhead
Absence of barren plateaus and scaling of energy gradients in the optimization of isometric tensor network states - Tensor methods reunion conference · December 2022 International Meeting or Conference Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA conference center, Lake Arrowhead
Tensor network states for the simulation of quantum matter - IPAM Colloquium · December 2022 International Meeting or Conference Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA conference center, Lake Arrowhead
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems - International conference on recent progress in many-body theories XXI · September 2022 International Meeting or Conference UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill
Classical methods for simulating quantum matter - Summer School on Robust Quantum Simulation · August 2022 Lecture NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute, Durham NC
Crossover functions for entanglement entropy in many-body energy eigenstates and universality - Séminaire du LPTMS · July 2022 Invited Talk Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France
On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets - Quantum seminar · June 2022 Invited Talk Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems - Séminaire de physique statistique, Institut de Physique Théorique · June 2022 Invited Talk CEA Saclay, Saclay, France
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems - Condensed matter theory seminar · May 2022 Invited Talk TU Dresden, Dresden
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems - Condensed matter theory seminar · May 2022 Invited Talk RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems - NQSP seminar · April 2022 Invited Talk University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets - APS meeting · March 2022 International Meeting or Conference APS, Chicago
Crossover functions for entanglement entropy in many-body energy eigenstates and universality - Condensed matter seminar · December 2021 Invited Talk University of Virginia, Charlottesville
On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets - Analysis & quantum seminar · September 2021 Invited Talk University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen
On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets - Long program on tensor methods · May 2021 Invited Talk IPAM, Los Angeles
Entanglement and tensor truncations in matrix product state simulations - SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science · May 2021 Invited Talk Bilbao
Super-operator structures and no-go theorems for dissipative quantum phase transitions - APS March Meeting · March 2021 Invited Talk APS,
Introduction to tensor-network simulations of quantum many-body systems - Tensor methods long-program · March 2021 Lecture IPAM, Los Angeles
Tensor-network simulations of quantum matter and entanglement - Geometry Seminar · February 2021 Invited Talk Texas A&M University, College Station
Super-operator structures and no-go theorems on dissipative quantum phase transitions · December 2020 Invited Talk Durham NC
Entanglement entropy of energy eigenstates follows a universal scaling function - Theoretical physics seminar · November 2020 Invited Talk University of Kentucky, Lexington KY
Universal scaling functions for the entanglement entropy of energy eigenstates · November 2020 Invited Talk Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA
Entanglement entropy of energy eigenstates follows a universal scaling function - Statistical physics seminar · November 2020 Invited Talk ICTP and SISSA, Trieste
Universal scaling of entanglement entropy in many-body energy eigenstates - Condensed matter theory seminar · November 2020 Invited Talk Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL
Eigenstate entanglement crossover from the ground state to volume laws · May 2020 Invited Talk Durham NC
Quantum computation for condensed matter problems · November 2019 Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium QAChMat meeting, Durham NC
Entanglement in quantum matter and tensor-network simulations · October 2019 Invited Talk Physics colloquium, East Carolina University
Fundamental limitations for measurements in quantum many-body systems · June 2019 Invited Talk Theory colloquium, Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Eigenstate entanglement: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws · June 2019 Invited Talk Condensed matter theory seminar, TU Dresden
Many-body entanglement scaling: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws · June 2019 Invited Talk Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
Many-body entanglement scaling: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws · June 2019 Invited Talk Universität Magdeburg
Fundamental limitations for measurements in quantum many-body systems · May 2019 Invited Talk Condensed matter theory seminar, Frankfurt am Main
Fundamental limitations for measurements in quantum many-body systems · May 2019 Invited Talk Seminar on the theory of complex systems, Heidelberg
Exploring quantum matter with tensor networks and quantum computers · May 2019 Invited Talk Universität Köln,
Fundamental limitations for measurements in quantum many-body systems · May 2019 Invited Talk XVI Interna- tional conference on quantum optics and quantum information. Minsk
Crossover of eigenstate entanglement from groundstate to extensive scaling · May 2019 Invited Talk XVI International conference on quantum optics and quantum information
Exploring quantum matter with tensor networks and quantum computers · February 2019 Invited Talk RWTH Aachen,
Simulation of quantum many-body dynamics with tensor network states and evolution of entanglement - Conference “Mathematical and numerical aspects of quantum dynamics” · June 2018 Invited Talk University of Maryland
Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers - International workshop “From nanoscale electronics to quantum information processing” · May 2018 Invited Talk Durham NC
Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers - APS March Meeting · March 2018 Invited Talk Los Angeles
Fractal structures in the phase diagram of the honeycomb-lattice quantum dimer model - Condensed matter seminar · December 2017 Lecture Duke University, Durham
Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers - Quantum information processing seminar · November 2017 Invited Talk MIT, Cambridge
Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers - XV International conference on quantum optics and quantum information · November 2017 International Meeting or Conference Minsk
Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum systems at finite temperatures - Séminaire du LPTMS · July 2017 Invited Talk Université Paris Sud, Orsay
Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum systems at finite temperatures - Séminaire de physique mathématique/physique statistique au LPTHE · July 2017 Invited Talk Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris
Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum systems at finite temperatures - Solid state theory seminar · June 2017 Invited Talk Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum many-body systems - Physics colloquium · April 2017 Invited Talk UNC Wilmington, Wilmington
Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum many-body systems - Applied math and analysis seminar · March 2017 Invited Talk Duke University, Durham