Fellowships, Gifts, and Supported Research
Seed Grant: Art, Art History and Visual Studies Anti-Racist Pedagogy Forum ·
Co-Lead ·
Duke Office for Faculty Advancement
This forum will convene monthly during 2021-2022 for presentations and discussions of themes proposed by AAHVS graduate students, faculty and teaching staff. Themes will address one or more of the following goals: share anti-racist methodologies and strategies already in use; identify opportunities to incorporate anti-racist pedagogies into teaching practices; and identify areas in AAHVS curricula in which pedagogies and approaches to disciplinary content can be implemented or augmented. https://facultyadvancement.duke.edu/2021-faculty-advancement-seed-grants-awardees
External Relationships
- Strategic Planning Partners
This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported outside activities with the companies, institutions, or organizations listed above. This information is available to institutional leadership and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts of interest.