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Beverly Murphy

Prof Library Staff
Medical Center Library & Archives
Box 3702 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710
316 Seeley G Mudd, Durham, NC 27710

Service to the Profession

President, Medical Library Association. · May 2018 - May 2019 Committee Service
President-Elect, Medical Library Association · May 2017 - May 2018 Committee Service
MLA Chapter Council Representative Alternate · 2015 - 2018 Committee Service
JMLA Editorial Board · 2014 - 2017 Committee Service
Board of Directors, Medical Library Association. · 2008 - 2011 Committee Service
President, Medical Library Association. · May 2018 - May 2019 Committee Service
President-Elect, Medical Library Association · May 2017 - May 2018 Committee Service
MLA Chapter Council Representative Alternate · 2015 - 2018 Committee Service
JMLA Editorial Board · 2014 - 2017 Committee Service
Board of Directors, Medical Library Association. · 2008 - 2011 Committee Service
Chair, Professional Recruitment and Retention Committee · 2006 - 2008 Committee Service

Service to Duke

TRLN Diversity and Inclusion Committee (University) · 2017 Committee Service
DUH Critical Care Standards Committee (Other) · 2016 Committee Service
Staff Saturation of Educational Materials (DRH) (Other) · 2016 Committee Service
DUH/DUHS Clinical Practice Council (Other) · 2015 Committee Service
DUHS Nursing Research Council (Other) · 2015 Committee Service
TRLN Diversity and Inclusion Committee (University) · 2017 Committee Service
DUH Critical Care Standards Committee (Other) · 2016 Committee Service
Staff Saturation of Educational Materials (DRH) (Other) · 2016 Committee Service
DUH/DUHS Clinical Practice Council (Other) · 2015 Committee Service
DUHS Nursing Research Council (Other) · 2015 Committee Service
DUH Patient and Family Education Council (Other) · 2014 - 2015 Committee Service
DUHS EBN Council (Other) · 2013 - 2015 Committee Service
School of Medicine Communicators (School) · 2013 Committee Service