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Brittany Kenyon-Flatt

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology
Evolutionary Anthropology

Selected Publications

Intrageneric taxonomic distinction based on morphological variation in the macaque (Macaca) skeleton.

Journal Article Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) · January 2024 Taxonomic classification is important for understanding the natural world, yet current methods for species assessment often focus on craniodental morphology rather than the entire skeleton. Moreover, it is currently unknown how much variation could, or sho ... Full text Cite

The relative efficacy of the cranium and os coxa for taxonomic assessment in macaques.

Journal Article American journal of physical anthropology · October 2020 ObjectivesThe cranium is generally considered more reliable than the postcranium for assessing primate taxonomy, although recent research suggests that pelvic shape may be equally reliable. However, little research has focused on intrageneric taxo ... Full text Cite

Metric methods for estimating sex utilizing the pelvis

Chapter · January 1, 2020 The innominate is commonly viewed as the best skeletal element used in the estimation of sex of an unknown individual, and non-metric methods have dominated. However, metric methods can provide a more objective means of estimation. Previous metric studies ... Full text Cite