Professor Fullenkamp specializes in the investigation of financial market development and regulation of financial markets. His projects often involve the exploration of such variables as immigrant worker remittances, economic policy, and the development of countries. His completed papers have appeared in various leading academic journals, including The Cato Journal, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Review of Economic Dynamics, and the Review of Economics and Statistics. Titles of his publications include, “Capital Trading, Stock Trading, and the Inflation Tax on Equity” with Scott Baier, Charles Carlstrom, Ralph Chami, Thomas Cosimano, and Timothy Fuerst; “Assessing Individual Risk-Attitudes Using Field Data from Lottery Games” with Rafael Tenorio and Robert Battalio; “Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source for Capital Development” with Ralph Chami and Samir Jahjah; and more. Professor Fullenkamp is currently focusing his studies on the impact of immigrant remittances on economic growth and the framework for financial market development.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor of the Practice of Economics
2010 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Director of Undergraduate Studies of Economics
2019 - Present
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Education, Training & Certifications
Harvard University ·
Harvard University ·
Michigan State University ·