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Merlise Clyde

Professor of Statistical Science
Statistical Science
Duke Box 90251, Durham, NC 27708-0251
223E Old Chem Bldg, Box 90251, Durham, NC 27708


Model uncertainty and choice in prediction and variable selection problems for linear, generalized linear models and multivariate models. Bayesian Model Averaging. Prior distributions for model selection and model averaging. Wavelets and adaptive kernel non-parametric function estimation. Spatial statistics. Experimental design for nonlinear models. Applications in proteomics, bioinformatics, astro-statistics, air pollution and health effects, and environmental sciences.

Office Hours

Fall 2023: 

DGS Office Hours:  Wed 1:30-2:30

STA 702:  Mon 9:00am-10am and Thur 1:30-2:30 pm

or by appointment - send an outlook invite if there are no conflicts!

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Statistical Science · 2011 - Present Statistical Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities · 1993 Ph.D.
University of California, Riverside · 1988 M.S.
University of Alberta (Canada) · 1986 M.S.
Oregon State University · 1985 B.S.