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Preyas S. Desai

Spencer Hassell Distinguished Professor of Business Administration
Fuqua School of Business
Box 90120, Durham, NC 27708-0120
100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120, Durham, NC 27708-0120


Preyas Desai is the Spencer R. Hassell Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Professor Desai received M.S. and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, and was on the faculty of Purdue University before joining Duke in 1997.

Professor Desai’s research covers a wide range of topics in marketing strategy, distribution channels, and marketing of durable products. His research analyzes strategic interactions such as those among competing firms, and among firms partnering within a distribution channel. His articles on these topics have appeared in top-tier academic journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He has served as a departmental editor for Management Science and is currently the editor-in-chief of Marketing Science.

At Fuqua, Professor Desai has served as the chair of school’s Curriculum Committee, Faculty Technology Committee, co-chair of Strategic Planning task force, and the area coordinator for the marketing area. He is currently a member of the dean’s advisory committee. He is a member of Duke’s academic council and also serves on the Academic Committee on Online Education (ACOE).

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Spencer Hassell Distinguished Professor of Business Administration · 2010 - Present Fuqua School of Business
Professor of Business Administration · 2005 - Present Fuqua School of Business
Affiliate Faculty Member, Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy · 2024 - Present Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy, Initiatives

Education, Training & Certifications

Carnegie Mellon University · 1992 Ph.D.