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David Rabiner

Research Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Psychology & Neuroscience
Duke Box 90697, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708
Reuben-Cooke Building - Rm 318, 417 Chapel Drive, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

What's new in the evaluation and management of ADHD? · August 18, 2013 Lecture Jewish Family Services, Durham, NC
Preliminary effects of the Incredible Years Teacher Training Program on classroom management skills. · December 27, 2012 Lecture Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness
New developments in the assessment and treatment of ADHD. · May 1, 2011 Lecture ADD Clinic, Duke University Medical Center
Racial differences in parents’ understanding of child psychopathology. · April 1, 2011 Lecture Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal
College students nonmedical ADHD medication use: Are students treating themseleves for attention difficulties? · October 21, 2010 Lecture Webinar for Washington State College Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention.
What's new in the evaluation and management of ADHD? · August 18, 2013 Lecture Jewish Family Services, Durham, NC
Preliminary effects of the Incredible Years Teacher Training Program on classroom management skills. · December 27, 2012 Lecture Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness
New developments in the assessment and treatment of ADHD. · May 1, 2011 Lecture ADD Clinic, Duke University Medical Center
Racial differences in parents’ understanding of child psychopathology. · April 1, 2011 Lecture Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal
College students nonmedical ADHD medication use: Are students treating themseleves for attention difficulties? · October 21, 2010 Lecture Webinar for Washington State College Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Children's Attention Problems: Impact on Academic Achievement & Response to Training. · October 5, 2010 Lecture Penn State University
Motives and Perceived Consequences of Nonmedical ADHD Medication Use by College Students: Are students treating themselves for attention problems? · April 20, 2010 Lecture Guilford College - Dept. of Psychology
Presented findings from Project CLASS on the instability of elevated teacher ratings of inattentive symptoms and the implications of this instability for the assessment of ADHD · June 1, 2009 Lecture Annual meeting of the Institute for Education Sciences, Washington, D.C.
presented intervention trial results · June 1, 2009 Lecture biannual International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopatholgy in Seattle.
What’s new in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD. · January 16, 2009 Lecture University of Indiana Medical Center

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Responding to the Educational and Psychological Needs of Children and Families in Durham's Transitional Housing · August 2015 - May 2016 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America

Service to the Profession

External reviewer for tenure candidate · December 20, 2012 Event/Organization Administration
Ad hoc reviewer · December 20, 2012 Event/Organization Administration
Member of the Social and Behavioral Review Panel for Institue of Education Sciences · 2010 Event/Organization Administration
Editorial Board Member for Journal of Attention Disorders · 2009 - 2010 Event/Organization Administration