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Edward A. Tiryakian

Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Box 90088, Durham, NC 27708-0088
339 Soc-Psych, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Wednesday 2:00-4:00 PM  

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Global Challenges of Modernization - The 2nd International Modrnization Forum · August 22, 2016 Invited Talk China Center for Modernization Research, Beijing, China

a keynote address and slide show, starting with legacy of the Enlightenment period of the 18th Century and onset of major changes in ideological challenges of what had been patterns of authority, and small scale communities. Demographic changes in sharp urban growth and lower infant mortality took place within two generations in political, economic and cultural changes, making urban citizens ripe for feeling world was in continuous process of change (Baudelaire coined it "Modernity" in 1864). Nationalism appeared as a prime vehicle of the state seeking to expand its resources and provide a new collective identity for citizens in the nation-state.. A more aggressive form of nationalism became imperialism, expanding the European nation-state to become empires in Asia, Africa and spheres of influence in the Middle East. Two world wars led to their retrenchment. A new start on modernization began with the United Nations in 1945, which combined as its mission, peace-keeping, with a new form of altruism: lifting the poorest of the poor countries in 8 "millennium development goals" with specified targets in various areas, from eradication of poverty to improvement in condition of being a woman. In 2015, a larger set of goals and strategic evaluations were devised. My address ends considering China as the continuing driver of development by its cultural matrix and new investments in high-technology.

Teilhard deChardin and Robert Bellah: Kindred Souls? · July 1, 2013 Lecture New York
Les Formes Elementaires de la Vie Religieuse: Past, Present, and Future," keynote address. · October 1, 2012 Lecture Porto Alegre, Brazil
From Secularization to Paganization: Weber Had It Almost Right · October 28, 2011 Lecture Las Vegas
Altruism and the New Face of Capitalism in the 21st Century · October 28, 2011 Lecture Madrid, Spain
Global Challenges of Modernization - The 2nd International Modrnization Forum · August 22, 2016 Invited Talk China Center for Modernization Research, Beijing, China

a keynote address and slide show, starting with legacy of the Enlightenment period of the 18th Century and onset of major changes in ideological challenges of what had been patterns of authority, and small scale communities. Demographic changes in sharp urban growth and lower infant mortality took place within two generations in political, economic and cultural changes, making urban citizens ripe for feeling world was in continuous process of change (Baudelaire coined it "Modernity" in 1864). Nationalism appeared as a prime vehicle of the state seeking to expand its resources and provide a new collective identity for citizens in the nation-state.. A more aggressive form of nationalism became imperialism, expanding the European nation-state to become empires in Asia, Africa and spheres of influence in the Middle East. Two world wars led to their retrenchment. A new start on modernization began with the United Nations in 1945, which combined as its mission, peace-keeping, with a new form of altruism: lifting the poorest of the poor countries in 8 "millennium development goals" with specified targets in various areas, from eradication of poverty to improvement in condition of being a woman. In 2015, a larger set of goals and strategic evaluations were devised. My address ends considering China as the continuing driver of development by its cultural matrix and new investments in high-technology.

Teilhard deChardin and Robert Bellah: Kindred Souls? · July 1, 2013 Lecture New York
Les Formes Elementaires de la Vie Religieuse: Past, Present, and Future," keynote address. · October 1, 2012 Lecture Porto Alegre, Brazil
From Secularization to Paganization: Weber Had It Almost Right · October 28, 2011 Lecture Las Vegas
Altruism and the New Face of Capitalism in the 21st Century · October 28, 2011 Lecture Madrid, Spain
The Diaspora Community: Lifeline or Albatross in the Peace Process? · July 14, 2010 Lecture XVII World Congress, International Sociological Association, Gothenburg, Sweden
Civilization in the Global Era: One, Many... or None? · July 14, 2010 Lecture XVII Congress, International Sociological Association, Gothenburg, Sweden
Antinomies of the Human Condition in the 21st Century: Some Sociological Reflections · June 1, 2010 Lecture International Conference of New Directions in the Humanities, UCLA
After Gouldner:The Coming Demise of Rational Choice Theory · April 1, 2010 Lecture Atlanta GA
Twenty Years Ago Into the Future · June 12, 2009 Lecture Yerevan, Armenia
Talcott Parsons and Vaclav Havel on the Human Condition · November 1, 2008 Lecture Charles University, Prague, Czeck Republic
Avant-Garde Art and Avant-Garde Sociology: "Primitivism" and Durkheim, ca. 1905-1913 · November 1, 2008 Lecture American Sociological Association, Boston
The Second Return of Mechanical Solidarity · October 10, 2008 Lecture Oxford, England
Avant-Garde Art and Avant-Garde Sociology: "Primitivism" and Durkheim, ca. 1905-1913 · August 2, 2008 Lecture ASA annual meeting
Talcott Parsons' Structural Functionalism/Parsons as Action Theorist · April 10, 2008 Lecture Southern Sociological Society, Richmond, Virginia
Cartoons Are No Laughing Matter: A Durkheimian Perspective · April 3, 2008 Lecture University of South Carollina, Columbia SC

Service to the Profession

American Sociological Association · March 8, 2008 Other