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Emily M. Klein

University Distinguished Service Professor
Earth and Climate Sciences
Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708-0328
Room A115, LSRC-A Wing, Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and Environment: Design and Innovation · 2023 - 2024 Projects & Field Work
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2022 - 2023 Projects & Field Work
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2021 - 2022 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2020 - 2021 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2019 - 2020 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and Environment: Design and Innovation · 2023 - 2024 Projects & Field Work
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2022 - 2023 Projects & Field Work
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2021 - 2022 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2020 - 2021 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2019 - 2020 Projects & Field Work Energy & Environment
Bass Connections Faculty Team Leader - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · 2018 - 2019 Projects & Field Work

Primary Theme: Energy & Environment

To explore the breadth of issues that confront our society in its need for clean, affordable and reliable energy, students partner with faculty on a year-long project resulting in prototypes of new energy technologies, systems or approaches.

Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · August 2017 - May 2018 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America
Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · August 2016 - May 2017 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America
Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · August 2016 - May 2017 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America
Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · August 2015 - May 2016 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America
Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - The Effects of Unconventional Shale Gas Development on Rural Communities · August 2015 - May 2016 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America
Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - Energy and the Environment: Design and Innovation · August 2014 - May 2015 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America