Teaching Activities
- 2017 Veterans Integrated Service Network-6 Women’s Health Retreat. Presentation to all VISN-6 Primary Healthcare Providers: Infertility
- Physicians for Reproductive Health Leadership Training Academy, Panel speaker for Webinar entitled Career Consequences of Identifying with the “A Word”.
- Duke University School of Medicine, Medical Students for Choice: Provided 1st trimester abortion and IUD insertion workshop
- 2017 Veterans Integrated Service Network-6 Women’s Health Mini-Residency Presentation to all VISN-6 Primary Healthcare Providers: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- 2017-2018: Duke Ob/Gyn Resident Education: Managing Hemorrhage after Abortion – Simulation Training for Ob/Gyn Residents --Developed an individual case-based simulation program
- Grand Rounds at USC, Columbia: Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B
- Duke Resident lecture, Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B
- Provider Lecture Series, Duke Student Health Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B
- Duke University School of Medicine, Medical Students for Choice: Provided 1st trimester abortion and IUD insertion workshop
- Ryan Residency Training Program Career Workshop Panel, North American Forum on Family Planning, New Orleans October 2018
- Invited lecturer at the Southern College Health Association Annual Meeting, March 2019: Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B
- Grand Rounds, Duke University Dept of Ob/Gyn, May 2019: Serving those who have served: Caring for women veterans
- Duke University School of Medicine. Expert lecturer for MS1 Case-based Reproductive Health Lecture, June 2019
- Invited speaker for a National VA Gynecology Conference, June 2019. Orlando, FL: Tips and Tricks for LARC in 2019
- Invited Speaker at Southern Obstetric and Gynecologic Seminar Annual Meeting, July 2019. Asheville, NC: Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B; Serving those who have served: Caring for women veterans
- Grand Rounds, WakeMed Physicians Practices, Ob/Gyn. November 2019: Emergency Contraception: No Longer Plan B
- Duke University School of Medicine. Expert lecturer for MS1 Case-based Reproductive Health Lecture, June 2020
- Duke University School of Medicine. MS1 lecture: Common Gyn Maladies: Help me, I'm bleeding! June 2020
- SASCOG virtual panelist for COVID19 impacts for patients with limited access to healthcare. October 2020
- Duke University School of Medicine. MS1 lecture: Common Gyn Maladies: Help me, I'm bleeding! June 2021
- Invited speaker and small group facilitator. Veteran Affairs National Women’s Health Virtual Mini-Residency for Primary Care Providers. June and September 2022
- Invited speaker. Durham VA Medical Center Current Clinical Concepts for Provider Optimization Conference. Do you rush before you flush? Addressing Urinary Incontinence among Women Veterans. July 2021
- Invited speaker. Veteran Affairs National Interprofessional Geriatric Conference. Do you rush before you flush? Addressing Urinary Incontinence among Women Veterans. December 2021ly 2022
- Duke University School of Medicine. Expert lecturer for MS1 Case-based Reproductive Health Lecture, schedule for June 202
- Duke University School of Medicine. MS1 lecture: Common Gyn Maladies: Help me, I'm bleeding!, scheduled for June 2022
- Invited speaker for Philippine Nurses Association of North Carolina (PNA-NC), scheduled July 2022.
- Invited speaker for Durham VA HealthCare System Women’s Health Clinical Training. Trauma Informed Care for Sensitive Exams. September 2022.
- Speaker for Durham VA HealthCare System Women’s Health Clinical Training. Do you Rush before you Flush? Addressing Urinary Incontinence among Women Veterans. March 2023.
- Duke University School of Medicine. MS1 lecture: Common Gyn Maladies: Help me, I'm bleeding!, scheduled for June 2023
- Invited speaker for National VA Gynecology Conference. Happy as a Lark about LARC: LARC tips and tricks. Orlando, FL June 2023.
- Invited faculty for VA National Women’s Health Mini-Residency for Primary Care Providers. Provided lecture on contraception and facilitated small-group case-based exercises. Tampa, FL July 2023
- Medical Student Case-Based Learning Faculty Facilitator, Duke University School of Medicine, Ob/Gyn Rotation. Facilitator during Spring 2024