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Elizabeth Malinzak

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Anesthesiology, Pediatrics
Box 3094 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710
3414 C Hosp North, Durham, NC 27710

Teaching Activities

Residents/Fellows in Department of Anesthesiology

Examiner, Mock Oral Board Exam, 1-2x/year    

Facilitator, Resident Simulation Sessions, 1-3x/year

Preceptor, CA-1 Orientation Week

Facilitator, CA-2 and CA-3 Advanced Crisis Resource Management, 6x/year

Instructor, CA-1 Simulation Orientation Week

Lecturer, Advocacy (Thursday Resident Lecture Series), 1x/year

Lecturer, Work-Life Balance (Fellow Lecture Series), 1x/year

Lecturer, Preparing for the APPLIED Exam (CA-1 Lecture Series)

Lecturer, Consent, Handover, and Communication (CA-1 Orientation)


Medical Students

Lecturer, MS2 General Anesthesia, 6x/year

Lecturer, MS2 Regional Anesthesia, 6x/year

Lecturer, MS2 Machines and Monitors, 6x/year

Facilitator, MS2 Anesthesia Plan Workshop, 6x/year

Facilitator, MS4 Airway Workshop, 10x/year 

Facilitator, MS4 Problem-Based Learning Discussion, 10x/year

Facilitator, MS4 Case-Presentations, 10x/year