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Engseng Ho

Professor of Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Box 90091, Durham, NC 27708-0091
205 Friedl Building, Durham, NC 27708


Professor Ho received his PhD and MA in Anthropology from University of Chicago. He is a specialist on Arab/Muslim diasporas across the Indian Ocean, and their relations with western empires, past and present. He has been involved in the Inter-Asia collaborations among the Social Science Research Council, NUS, Hong Kong University, Gottingen University and others since 2008, including the SSRC Inter-Asia postdoctoral fellowships programme. His writings include The Graves of TarimGenealogy and Mobility across the Indian Ocean, and Empire through Diasporic Eyes: A View from the Other Boat.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Cultural Anthropology · 2008 - Present Cultural Anthropology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

The University of Chicago · 2000 Ph.D.
The University of Chicago · 1990 M.A.
Stanford University · 1986 B.A.