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Felix Tintelnot

Associate Professor of Economics

Selected Publications

Endogenous production networks with fixed costs

Journal Article Journal of International Economics · November 1, 2023 We develop a model of endogenous production networks with fixed costs in the formation of links between firms. We show that the closed economy equilibrium is unique if the set of feasible networks consists only of networks that are acyclic and the buyer in ... Full text Cite

The Effects of Foreign Multinationals on Workers and Firms in the United States

Journal Article Quarterly Journal of Economics · August 1, 2021 Governments go to great lengths to attract foreign multinationals because they are thought to raise the wages paid to their employees (direct effects) and to improve outcomes at local domestic firms (indirect effects). We construct the first U.S. employer- ... Full text Cite

Trade and Domestic Production Networks

Journal Article Review of Economic Studies · March 1, 2021 We examine how many and what kind of firms ultimately rely on foreign inputs, sell to foreign markets, and are affected by trade shocks. To capture that firms can trade indirectly by buying from or selling to domestic firms that import or export, we use Be ... Full text Cite

The life-cycle dynamics of exporters and multinational firms

Journal Article Journal of International Economics · September 1, 2020 This paper studies the life-cycle dynamics of exporters and multinational enterprises (MNEs). Using rich firm-level data, we document a comprehensive set of facts on entry, exit, and growth of new exporters and new MNEs. Guided by these facts, we build a m ... Full text Cite

The production relocation and price effects of US trade policy: The case of washing machines

Journal Article American Economic Review · July 1, 2020 We estimate the price effect of US import restrictions on washers. The 2012 and 2016 antidumping duties against South Korea and China were accompanied by downward or minor price movements along with production relocation to other export platform countries. ... Full text Cite

What drives home market advantage?

Journal Article Journal of International Economics · January 1, 2018 In the automobile industry, as in many tradable goods markets, firms usually earn their highest market share within their domestic market. The goal of this paper is to disentangle the supply- and demand-driven sources of this home market advantage. While t ... Full text Cite

The margins of global sourcing: Theory and evidence from US firms

Journal Article American Economic Review · September 1, 2017 We develop a quantifiable multi-country sourcing model in which firms self-select into importing based on their productivity and country-specific variables. In contrast to canonical export models where firm profits are additively separable across destinati ... Full text Cite

Global production with export platforms

Journal Article Quarterly Journal of Economics · February 1, 2017 Most international commerce is carried out by multinational firms, which use their foreign affiliates both to serve the market of the host country and to export to othermarkets outside the host country. In this article, I examine the determinants of multin ... Full text Cite

Borders, geography, and oligopoly: Evidence from the wind turbine industry

Journal Article Review of Economics and Statistics · July 1, 2015 Using a microlevel data set of wind turbine installations in Denmark and Germany, we estimate a structural oligopoly model with cross-border trade and heterogeneous firms. Our approach separately identifies border-related from distance-related variable cos ... Full text Cite

Multinational production: Data and stylized facts

Conference American Economic Review · May 1, 2015 Full text Cite

Bias in estimating border- and distance-related trade costs: Insights from an oligopoly model

Journal Article Economics Letters · January 1, 2015 Regressions of price differences between locations in different countries without controlling for the local market structure and the location of origin will lead to a biased estimate of the impact of national boundaries. We demonstrate that non-classical m ... Full text Cite