Joint-Degree Ph.D. Candidate at the Sanford School of Public Policy and Psychology & Neuroscience
Gayane is a Joint-Degree Ph.D. Candidate of Public Policy and Psychology & Neuroscience. Her research focuses on identifying evidence-based policies and practices for supporting child development and family well-being. Gayane utilizes diverse research methods, such as randomized control trials, quasi-experimental methods, and implementation science to inform research on supporting families. Her research projects evaluate longitudinal impacts of a universal home visiting program and investigate effects of an unconditional cash transfer on rates of child maltreatment. Gayane is also conducting an implementation evaluation of a developmental monitoring tool across diverse sites that serve children and families.
Gayane received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education and International Studies from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2017. Before matriculating at Duke, she worked as a Research Analyst at Child Trends. In this role, she conducted national, state, and community level research analyzing the impact of various early childhood policies and programs.