Recent Courses
Teaching Activities
- 2001 Plenary Lecture, Asilomar Fungal Genetics meeting
- 2007 Plenary Lecture, International Yeast meeting, Melbourne, Australia
- 2007 Keynote Lecture, Drexel University College of Medicine, Graduate program in Microbiology and Immunology research symposium
- 2009 Division F Lecture, American Society of Microbiology General Meeting
- 2009 Keynote Lecture, Third FEBS Human Fungal Pathogens Course, La Colle sur Loup, France
- 2010 Foundation Lecture, British Society for Medical Mycology, Exeter, UK
- 2010 Plenary Lecture, 9th International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2011 Keynote Lecture, 14th Annual Bay Area Microbial Pathogenesis Symposium, UCSF
- 2011 Keynote Lecture, 8th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis, Charleston, SC
- 2011 Karling Lecture, Mycological Society of America, Fairbanks, Alaska
- 2011 Keynote Lecture, Molecular Biology of Fungi 10 meeting, Marburg, Germany
- 2012 Plenary Lecture, 13th International Congress on Yeasts, Madison, Wisconsin
- 2013 Plenary Lecture, Asilomar Fungal Genetics meeting
- 2013 Plenary Lecture, Korean Microbiology Society meeting
- 2014 Plenary Lecture, 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Seville, Spain
- 2014 Keynote Lecture, 12th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases (MEEGID), Bangkok, Thailand
- 2014 Plenary Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany, Matt Meselson Seminar Series on the Evolution of Sex; Evolution of Sexual Reproduction
- 2015 Plenary Speaker, ISHAM international meeting, Melbourne, Australia
- 2017 Max Delbrück Lecture, German Genetics Society Meeting, Bochum, Germany
- 2019 Gene E. Michaels Honorary Mycology Lecture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA