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Irene Crabtree Felsman

Assistant Clinical Professor in the School of Nursing
School of Nursing
DUMC 3322, Durham, NC 27710
307 Trent Drive, Durham, NC


Dr Felsman’s expertise is in global and community/public health. Her scholarship focuses on the development of culturally aligned interventions to improve health for families in diverse populations in local and global settings. She has lived and worked in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and in the US in various roles, which include direct clinical care, program design, implementation and evaluation, and training/education. Her clinical background includes maternal-child health, pediatrics, and community mental health. Her scholarly emphasis is on psycho-social health with a focus on acculturation stress, resilience, and drivers of health for refugee and Latinx immigrant populations in the US, including disparities in health care access and health literacy. She is proficient in Spanish.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Assistant Clinical Professor in the School of Nursing · 2023 - Present School of Nursing
Affiliate, Duke Global Health Institute · 2018 - Present Duke Global Health Institute, University Institutes and Centers

Education, Training & Certifications

Duquesne University · 2015 D.N.P.
Boston University, School of Medicine · 1985 M.P.H.
Duke University, School of Nursing · 1976 B.S.N.