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Irene Silverblatt

Professor Emerita of Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Box 90091, Durham, NC 27708-0091
500 W 111th St, Apt 2B, New York, NY 10025

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Seminar Leader, Religious Encounters in the Colonial Andes · November 1, 2013 Lecture Seminar: Spanish Religions: Medieval Convivencia and Colonial Encounter
New Christians, Colonialism, and the Modern World · November 1, 2013 Lecture American Academy of Religion
“Race-Thinking, Governance, and the Colonial Origins of Modernity" · April 1, 2013 Lecture Center for African American History, Northwestern University
Lives of a Memory: Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger and the Politics of Remembrance, Jackman Humanities Insitute, University of Toronto, Center for Ethnography, University of Toronto, Scarborough, Office of the Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean, UTSC
, Universi · November 25, 2012 Lecture Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto
“A Living Document” · November 25, 2012 Lecture Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto
Seminar Leader, Religious Encounters in the Colonial Andes · November 1, 2013 Lecture Seminar: Spanish Religions: Medieval Convivencia and Colonial Encounter
New Christians, Colonialism, and the Modern World · November 1, 2013 Lecture American Academy of Religion
“Race-Thinking, Governance, and the Colonial Origins of Modernity" · April 1, 2013 Lecture Center for African American History, Northwestern University
Lives of a Memory: Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger and the Politics of Remembrance, Jackman Humanities Insitute, University of Toronto, Center for Ethnography, University of Toronto, Scarborough, Office of the Vice-Principal (Academic) and Dean, UTSC
, Universi · November 25, 2012 Lecture Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto
“A Living Document” · November 25, 2012 Lecture Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto
El patriarcado dentro del colonialism:.El caso del Virreinato del Peru - Conferencia : no se puede decolonizar sin despatriarcalizar”; Principio Potosi Exhibition · December 8, 2011 Lecture Museo Nacional de Etnografia y Folklore y el Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger · December 1, 2011 Lecture Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger Prize, Bundesverband junger Autoren und Autorinnen, Cologne, Germany
Confronting Nationalisms in Western Ukraine:Politics of Memory and Future Politics in Chernivtsi · November 1, 2011 Lecture “Traces, Tidemarks and Legacies", American Anthropological Society, Montreal
Chasteté et pureté des liens sociaux dans le Pérou du XVIIe siècle · November 1, 2011 Lecture Journee, Cahiers du Genre, CNRS, Paris
Roundtable, Dangerous Citizens · June 1, 2011 Lecture Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
Incas, genero y poder · March 1, 2011 Lecture Seminar: Mujeres Creando, La Paz, Bolivia:
El patriarcado y el colonialismo espanol · March 1, 2011 Lecture Seminar, Mujeres Creando, La Paz, Bolivia
Incas and Indians: An Other Perspective on Colonial Studies”, NYU, Department of Spanish and Portuguese” · February 1, 2011 Lecture Department of Spanish and Portuguese, New York University
Politics of Memory · December 1, 2010 Lecture University scholars, Duke University
Modernity and the Colonial Origins of Race and Civilization · November 1, 2010 Lecture Monmouth University, Keynote Address
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger: Her Poetry, Life and Their Meanings Today · July 1, 2010 Lecture University of Luebeck (Germany), General Studies
Confronting Nationalisms Through Rediscoveries of the Past:Memory Work and Selma Meerbaum Eisinger in Western Ukraine · June 1, 2010 Lecture Conference, "Historical Inquiry in the New Century", The Historical Society
El estado andino moderno: perseguido por legados coloniales de raza y civilizacion · May 1, 2010 Lecture FLACSO-Ecuador, Emory University, Carnegie Corporation
Selma-Meerbaum Eisinger: Her life, Her Poetry and their Meanings Today · April 1, 2010 Lecture Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, Society of Fellows, Department of Germanic Languages, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Torture and Civilization: Lessons from the Spanish Inquisition · April 1, 2010 Lecture Dartmouth College, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Torture and Civilization: Lessons from the Spanish Inquisition · April 1, 2010 Lecture Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, Scheps Seminar
Discovering Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger: Poetry, the Holocaust, and the Afterlife of Meaning · April 1, 2010 Lecture Dartmouth College, Jewish Studies Program and Leslie Center for the Humanities
The Spanish Inquisition in Colonial Peru: Bureaucracy, Race-Thinking, and the Making of the Modern World · March 1, 2010 Lecture University of Minnesota, Center for Early Modern Studies
Discovering Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger: Her Poems from the Holocaust and Their Meanings Today. · March 1, 2010 Lecture University of Minnesota, Center for Jewish Studies
Spanish Colonialism, Race-thinking and the Making of the Modern - American Anthropological Association Meetings · December 10, 2009 Invited Talk American Anthropological Association,
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger Project, Step 21 · December 10, 2009 Lecture Hamburg, Germany
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, "Harvest of Blossoms" and the Book of Life · December 10, 2009 Lecture Center for Jewish Life, Duke University
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Harvest of Blossoms · October 1, 2009 Lecture Department of Cultural Anthropology, Duke
Discussant, "Body and Space in Colonial Latin America" · June 1, 2009 Lecture Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janiero
Discovering Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger: Poetry, Holocaust, and their Meanings Today · May 1, 2009 Lecture Department of Jewish Studies, Drexel University, 2009
“Modern Cruelties in Colonial Peru”, Keynote Address, Conference, “Iberian Cruelties: Imperial Legacies in the Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking Worlds” · April 1, 2009 Lecture Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Center for Latin American Studies, Department of History, Rutgers University
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, "Harvest of Blossoms" · April 1, 2009 Lecture Regulator Book Shop
Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, "Harvest of Blossoms" · March 1, 2009 Lecture WUNC Radio broadcast
Blood Stains: Racializing Culture, Place and Function in the Name of Empire” University of Michigan 2008/03/01 March, 2008 0 67 30311 [6589]Silverblatt,Irene [617]Invited Lectures Harvest of Blossoms" · November 1, 2008 Lecture Department of German, Hunter College
Harvest of Blossoms · November 1, 2008 Lecture Department of German, Hunter College

Lecture; I Silverblatt, H Silverblatt ; Discussion of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger and her poetry.

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Bass Connections Faculty Team Member - The Construction of Memory at Duke and in Durham: Using Memory Studies · August 2016 - May 2017 Projects & Field Work flag United States of America