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Fredric Jameson

Knut Schmidt Nielsen Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature
Box 90670, Durham, NC 27708
101 Friedl Bldg, 1316 Campus Drive Box 90670, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Thursdays 11:45am-1:45pm via Skype.  

Teaching Activities

Teaching Focus:
Jameson's most frequently taught courses cover Marxism and psychoanalysis, existentialism, the Frankfurt School, modern french theory, modernist literature and film, and the 19th century novel.

Recent Courses:
Modern French Theory, Sp 2021, LIT 690-7 & ROMST 690
Existentialism and History, Sp 2020, LIT 690-8
Narrative and Ideology, F 2019, LIT-690 & ROMST 690
Adorno vs Brecht, S 2019, LIT-690-8
Postmodernism Theory & Culture, F 2018, LIT-690
Philosophies of History, S 2018, LIT 690
Walter Benjamin, F 2017, LIT 690-8
World Literature Post World War II, S 2017, LIT 690
Lukács or Althusser, F 2016, LIT 690-8
Intro to Modernism, S 2016, LIT 690