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Jason Baron

Assistant Professor of Economics
Box 90097, Durham, NC 27708-0097
213 Social Sciences Building, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications


Journal Article Quarterly Journal of Economics · August 1, 2024 We develop empirical tools for studying discrimination in multiphase systems and apply them to the setting of foster care placement by child protective services. Leveraging the quasi-random assignment of two sets of decision-makers—initial hotline call scr ... Full text Cite

The Push for Racial Equity in Child Welfare: Can Blind Removals Reduce Disproportionality?

Journal Article Journal of Policy Analysis and Management · March 1, 2023 We conduct the first quantitative analysis of “blind removals,” an increasingly popular reform that seeks to reduce the over-representation of Black children in foster care by eliminating biases in the removal decisions of investigators. We first show that ... Full text Cite

Pretrial juvenile detention

Journal Article Journal of Public Economics · January 1, 2023 Roughly one in four juveniles arrested in the U.S. spend time in a detention center prior to their court date. To study the consequences of this practice for youth, we link the universe of individual public school records in Michigan to juvenile and adult ... Full text Cite

Temporary Stays and Persistent Gains: The Causal Effects of Foster Care

Journal Article American Economic Journal: Applied Economics · April 1, 2022 Six percent of children in the United States enter foster care by age 18. We estimate the effects of foster care on children's outcomes by exploiting the quasi-random assignment of child welfare investigators in Michigan. We find that foster care improved ... Full text Cite

School Spending and Student Outcomes: Evidence from Revenue Limit Elections in Wisconsin†

Journal Article American Economic Journal: Economic Policy · February 1, 2022 This study examines the impacts of two distinct types of school spending on student outcomes. State-imposed revenue limits cap the total amount of revenue that a school district in Wisconsin can raise unless the district holds a referendum asking voters to ... Full text Cite

Union Reform, Performance Pay, and New Teacher Supply: Evidence from Wisconsin's Act 10

Conference AEA Papers and Proceedings · May 1, 2021 This study examines the impact of performance pay on teacher selection. I exploit a shift toward performance pay in Wisconsin induced by the enactment of Act 10, which gave school districts autonomy to redesign their compensation schemes. Followin ... Full text Cite