Dr. Nieuwsma is a clinical psychologist whose interests are broadly related to different aspects of integrative mental health care. He has conducted work in the areas of health psychology, primary care-mental health integration, cross-cultural psychology, implementation science, and extensive work focused on integration of spirituality and health. In addition to being an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke, Dr. Nieuwsma has served for over a decade as Associate Director for Integrative Mental Health (formerly Mental Health and Chaplaincy) in the Veterans Health Administration. He has helped lead multiple projects aimed at more effectively integrating chaplaincy and mental health care services across large healthcare systems, as well as conducting extensive work and training on moral injury, health psychology, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Dr. Nieuwsma has authored over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles & book chapters; he serves on the editorial board for the APA journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice; he is Associate Editor for the Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy; and he is a co-editor and author on the books ACT for Clergy and Pastoral Counselors and Addressing Moral Injury in Clinical Practice.