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Kate Webb

Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences
2400 Pratt St., Room 6009, DUMC 102505, Durham, NC 27705
Duke University Medical Center, DUMC 102505, Durham, NC 27710


I lead the Biological Embedding of the Environment and Stress (BEES) Laboratory at Duke. Our research focuses on understanding the biological underpinnings of stress and trauma-related disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To this end, we leverage neuroimaging, geospatial methods, behavioral assessments, and genetic techniques to identify predictors of PTSD and better understand why certain individuals may be at an increased risk for the disorder. The overarching goal of our current work is to determine how socioenvironmental factors, individual characteristics, and neurobiology interact to influence the course of PTSD development.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences · 2024 - Present Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee · 2021 Ph.D.