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Francis Joseph Keefe

Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences
Box 90399, Durham, NC 27708-0399
2200 W Main St, Suite 340, Durham, NC 27705


I am Director of the Duke Pain Prevention and Treatment Research Program, an active NIH funded clinical research program focused on developing new and more effective ways of assessing and treating patients having acute and persistent pain.  I have been active in nationally and internationally in shaping the pain research agenda.  For the past 10 years I served as Editor in Chief of PAIN the premier journal in pain research.  I also have served as the Chair of a number of NIH Study Sections.   Finally, I was a member of the Institute of Medicine committee that published a report in 2011 (Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research) that has played a key role in shaping national policies in pain research and pain care.

Over my career, I have played a key role in the development of clinical pain services and pain research programs at Duke Medical Center.  For over 20 years, I directed the Duke Pain Management Program and was a leader in the development of Duke Medical Center's multidisciplinary pain programs (both out-patient and in-patient.)  I collaborate actively with investigators in other countries (e.g. United Kingdom, South Africa, China, and Australia). 

Over the course of my career, I have collaborated closely with investigators both in and outside my lab.  Together we have developed and refined a number of treatment protocols for persistent pain conditions (e.g. pain in patients with advanced cancer; sickle cell disease, and persistent joint pain due to osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis) including partner and caregiver-assisted pain coping skills training interventions.  We have conducted a number of NIH- and foundation- funded randomized clinical trials testing the efficacy of these and other behavioral interventions (e.g. aerobic exercise protocols, yoga based interventions, mindfulness-based interventions, forgiveness-based interventions, loving kindness meditation, and emotional disclosure). 

I currently serve as a Co-Investigator on a number of NIH grants, a number of which are funded by the HEAL Initiative.  Many of these grants are testing novel strategies for delivering training in pain coping skills (e.g. video over internet, web-based training, virtual reality interventions, and apps for mobile devices).  Along these lines, I collaborated with Dr. Chris Rini to develop an internet-based program for training in pain coping skills called painTRAINER (available at This program is free to any individuals or health professionals who wish to use it.  I have a keen interest in exploring the efficacy of these and other strategies (e.g. training physical therapists, social workers, and nurses) promise to increase access to behavioral pain management interventions making them more widely available to the large population of patients and caregivers who might benefit from them.

I have published over 490 papers on topics ranging from pain coping strategies used during mammography to behavioral approaches to managing acute pain and pain at end of life.  I have a longstanding interest in mentoring students and early career professionals interested in developing, testing, and disseminating novel protocols for managing pain, stress, and medical symptoms.


Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences · 2000 - Present Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Professor in Psychology and Neuroscience · 2011 - Present Psychology & Neuroscience, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor in Anesthesiology · 2000 - Present Anesthesiology, Clinical Science Departments
Professor in Medicine · 2004 - Present Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology, Medicine
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute · 1978 - Present Duke Cancer Institute, Institutes and Centers

Education, Training & Certifications

Ohio University · 1975 Ph.D.
Ohio University · 1973 M.S.
Bowdoin College · 1971 B.A.