Since heart disease accounts for nearly 40% of all deaths annually in this country, it is of importance to learn more of the molecular pathology present in diseased myocardium. For example, in human HF regardless of the cause, a specific constellation of biochemical defects in cardiac tissue has been noted including loss of specific betaAR density and uncoupling of remaining receptors. Moreover, it has been shown that the levels of betaARK1 rise 3-5 fold in human HF, probably contributing to the dysfunction. Interestingly, it has recently been demonstrated that cardiovascular GRK levels (i.e. betaARK1) and activity were also increased in other disorders including myocardial hypertrophy and hypertension. Thus, a primary objective of my laboratory is to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in myocardial GRK alterations and how these changes relate to adrenergic signaling. This research includes studying and exploring novel protein binding partners of GRKs in the myocardium using a variety of molecular biochemical assays including GRK-affinity columns.
Over the last several years, my laboratory has been investigating the consequences of altering myocardial ARs and GRKs in several in vivo model systems. Original studies were done in transgenic mice where AR and GRK-based transgenes were targeted specifically to the heart. These studies have been done in close collaboration with Dr. Robert Lefkowitz and Dr. Howard Rockman here at Duke University. We have found that altering AR signaling in the hearts of transgenic mice has profound effects on cardiovascular physiology including the findings that overexpression of beta2ARs or a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 known as the betaARKct, significantly enhances in vivo cardiac contractility. We now have transgenic animals with myocardial-targeted overexpression of several ARs (alpha and beta) or GRKs and are studying the specific in vivo interactions of these molecules in the heart. Moreover, in collaboration with Drs. Lefkowitz and Rockman, we are generating a host of tissue and temporal specific conditional-knockout mice targeting the myocardial betaAR and GRK systems. Another area of transgenic animals being studied exclusively in my laboratory is altered betaAR and GRK activity specifically targeted to arterial smooth muscle in order to determine the role of AR signaling and desensitization in hypertension and other vascular diseases. These mice have recently been generated in our laboratory and are the target of current investigations.
Over the last year, we have been able to specifically study the role of betaAR desensitization and the role of betaARK1 in HF using genetically engineered mouse models of cardiomyopathy and HF. These studies have lead to the findings that inhibition of betaARK1 through myocardial-targeted betaARKct expression has rescued three separate genetic mouse models of cardiomyopathy, preventing the development of HF. The molecular study of these genetic models through DNA array technology is a logical step in the evolution of these studies and this is a new area of focus in the laboratory. Thus, we are analyzing the hearts of mice with altered betaAR and/or betaARK1 signaling by gene (DNA) chips to determine other genes that have been induced or silenced by our transgenes or gene knockouts. We are excited about using this technology in the laboratory taking advantage of our novel mouse models. Specifically, comparing differential gene expression in a failing mouse heart and comparing the genetic pattern in a heart that has been "rescued" by the betaARKct could lead to the elucidation of specific genes involved in the pathogenesis of HF. Importantly, this may also lead to novel therapeutic approaches to treating this disease as well as other cardiovascular disorders.
Our findings in mice that show that we can genetically enhance the functional contractility of the heart form the basis of another major focus of my research program which is the investigation of enhancing the in vivo function of the compromised heart via acute genetic manipulation using gene therapy. My laboratory heads the Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Program at Duke University Medical Center. The ability to manipulate betaAR density or receptor desensitization in the diseased heart is of great interest since it may provide unique inotropic support and improve existing therapeutic strategies. Gene transfer to the heart in vivo is a powerful approach to study the specific role of GRKs and adrenergic desensitization in both normal and diseased myocardium. Currently, we are employing various in vivo gene delivery techniques using adenoviruses, in order to effectively express specific betaAR and GRK-based transgenes which may produce alterations in myocardial signaling and global cardiac function. We also have established several surgical models of compromised heart function to use in these gene transfer studies including experimental HF in rabbits and pigs, and cardiac transplantation models in rats and rabbits. In addition to studying the feasibility of gene therapy approaches to HF, the Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Program here at Duke has developed a molecular gene therapy strategy to prevention of pathological vascular smooth muscle intimal hyperplasia such as coronary artery restenosis after angioplasty. Our first clinical trial employing adenoviral-mediated gene therapy for restenosis is tentatively planned for the end of 2002.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor in Surgery
2024 - Present
Surgery, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery,
Recent Publications
S100A1ct: A Synthetic Peptide Derived From S100A1 Protein Improves Cardiac Performance and Survival in Preclinical Heart Failure Models.
Journal Article Circulation · February 25, 2025 BACKGROUND: The EF-hand Ca2+ sensor protein S100A1 has been identified as a molecular regulator and enhancer of cardiac performance. The ability of S100A1 to recognize and modulate the activity of targets such as SERCA2a (sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase ... Full text Link to item CiteAdipocyte-derived small extracellular vesicles exacerbate diabetic ischemic heart injury by promoting oxidative stress and mitochondrial-mediated cardiomyocyte apoptosis.
Journal Article Redox Biol · February 2025 BACKGROUND: Diabetes increases ischemic heart injury via incompletely understood mechanisms. We recently reported that diabetic adipocytes-derived small extracellular vesicles (sEV) exacerbate myocardial reperfusion (MI/R) injury by promoting cardiomyocyte ... Full text Link to item CiteTherapeutic Efficacy of a Novel Pharmacologic GRK2 Inhibitor in Multiple Animal Models of Heart Failure
Journal Article JACC: Basic to Translational Science · February 1, 2025 GRK2 is the most prominent G protein-coupled receptor kinase that is upregulated in heart failure (HF), and inhibiting GRK2 has improved cardiac function in mice. CCG258208, generated from the paroxetine scaffold, which has GRK2 inhibitory properties, has ... Full text CiteRecent Grants
Project 2: Novel Adrenergic-Linked Communicative Signals from Myocardium Acting Distant and Locally
ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Temple University · 2024 - 2029Role of S-Nitrosylation on Beta-Adrenergic Signaling in Cardiac Injury and Repair
ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2024 - 2026Role of GRK2 S-nitrosylation in heart failure
ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by American Heart Association · 2024 - 2025View All Grants
Education, Training & Certifications
University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine ·
The University of Toledo ·