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Kishor S. Trivedi

Hudson Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Box 90291, Durham, NC 27708-0291
534 Research Drive, 401 Wilkinson, Durham, NC 27708-0291

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Hudson Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · 2000 - Present Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · 1991 - Present Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Professor of Computer Science · 1992 - Present Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke Kunshan University · 2018 - Present DKU Faculty

Previous Appointments & Affiliations

Professor with Tenure · 1983 - 1991 Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Research Support · 1990 - 1991 Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Associate Professor with Tenure · 1979 - 1983 Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Assistant Professor · 1975 - 1979 Computer Science, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Academic Positions Outside Duke

Specially Appointed Professor · 2018 - 2020 Hiroshima University