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David L. Lange

Melvin G. Shimm Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Law
School of Law
Duke Law School Room 4024, Duke Box 90362, Durham, NC 27708-0360
Duke Law School 210 Science Dr, Duke Box 90362, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

From Berne to Beijing: A Critical Perspective

Journal Article Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law · 2013 Link to item Cite

Golan v. Holder: Copyright in the Image of the First Amendment

Journal Article John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property · 2011 Link to item Cite

Unshackling Speech

Journal Article Commentary · 2009 Link to item Cite

Teacher's Manual

Book · 2007 Cite

A Comment on New York Times v. Tasini

Journal Article Case Western Reserve Law Review · 2003 Link to item Cite

Students, Music and the Net: A Comment on Peer-To-Peer File Sharing

Journal Article Duke Law & Technology Review · 2003 Link to item Cite

Reimagining The Public Domain

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 2003 Link to item Cite

Foreword: Public-Private Initiatives After TRIPS: Designing a Global Agenda

Journal Article Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law · 1998 Link to item Cite

The Lanham Act after fifty years - Foreword

Journal Article LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS · March 1, 1996 Link to item Cite

Foreword (The Lanham Act After Fifty Years)

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 1996 Cite

The Intellectual Property Clause in Contemporary Trademark Law

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 1996 Link to item Cite

From Berne to Beijing: A Critical Perspective

Journal Article Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law · 2013 Link to item Cite

Golan v. Holder: Copyright in the Image of the First Amendment

Journal Article John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property · 2011 Link to item Cite

Unshackling Speech

Journal Article Commentary · 2009 Link to item Cite

Teacher's Manual

Book · 2007 Cite

A Comment on New York Times v. Tasini

Journal Article Case Western Reserve Law Review · 2003 Link to item Cite

Students, Music and the Net: A Comment on Peer-To-Peer File Sharing

Journal Article Duke Law & Technology Review · 2003 Link to item Cite

Reimagining The Public Domain

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 2003 Link to item Cite

Foreword: Public-Private Initiatives After TRIPS: Designing a Global Agenda

Journal Article Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law · 1998 Link to item Cite

The Lanham Act after fifty years - Foreword

Journal Article LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS · March 1, 1996 Link to item Cite

Foreword (The Lanham Act After Fifty Years)

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 1996 Cite

The Intellectual Property Clause in Contemporary Trademark Law

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 1996 Link to item Cite

The Road to Camelot: Reflections on the Information Highway

Journal Article North Carolina Law Weekly · 1995 Cite

Copyright and the Constitution in the Age of Intellectual Property

Journal Article Journal of Intellectual Property Law · 1993 Link to item Cite

Sensing the Constitution in Feist

Journal Article University of Dayton Law Review · 1992 Link to item Cite

Freedom of Expression: Who Decides What is to be Published?

Journal Article Entertainment Law Review · 1990 Cite

Intellectual Property Under the Constitution

Other Duke Law Magazine · 1989 Cite

Recognizing the Public Domain

Journal Article Law & Contemporary Problems · 1981 Link to item Cite

Long Delay Hurt McDonald Trial

Other News & Observer · 1979 Cite

Speech and Press Clauses

Journal Article UCLA Law Review · 1975 Link to item Cite