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Larissa Truschel

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine
Box 102376, Durham, NC 27708-0433
2301 Erwin Road, Children's He, Suite T903 DUMC, Durham, NC 27708


I am a pediatric emergency medicine physician with a research interest in child health advocacy, health equity, and medical education. I chose pediatric emergency medicine because I enjoy taking care of children and supporting their families, whether the child has a minor or severe illness or injury.

My academic work focuses on health equity and social justice. I have worked with community organizations nationally and internationally in the areas of social screening, health outcome disparities, identification of human trafficking, and interventions that target child poverty. I am interested in enhancing the health equity and advocacy training provided to pediatrics residents and developing future leaders in Pediatrics who are prepared to address health disparities. 

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics · 2021 - Present Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics

Education, Training & Certifications

University of Miami, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine · 2015 M.D.
University of Miami · 2015 M.P.H.